摘要: | 從2008年美國金融海嘯開始,反映出美國金融監管制度的不當,同時為刺激經濟成長,美國聯邦準備局(FED)採取量化寬鬆貨幣政策,不斷擴大政府支出,冀望能降低失業率,導致美國家的債務高漲;目前美元仍為國際主流貨幣,在國際資金移動的過程中,進而影響到歐元區投資及貨幣穩定,對歐洲產業也造成持續性的衝擊,進而引發歐債危機,因此,自2010年希臘開始,接續由愛爾蘭、葡萄牙、西班牙、義大利五國,同時受到影響,到目前2012年為止,陸續申請歐盟與國際貨幣基金組織(IMF)紓困的五個國家,實際為希臘、愛爾蘭、葡萄牙、西班牙、賽普勒斯,事實上紓困的同時也承諾實施「結構調整政策」,來改善國內經濟,避免債務赤字的高漲;然而,無論從國家層面、區域層面、國際層面三方面的配合,在面對歐洲債務危機時,依舊需要時間來逐步解決,畢竟歐債問題,已非是短期的困境,而是長期累積下之問題。
The root cause triggering global financial crisis starting from 2008 was the false regulation and governance in U.S. financial system. In order to stimulate the U.S. economy and resolve financial problem, the federal government was taking a series of the Quantitative Easing Monetary Policy, which resulted in even high U.S government deficits. U.S. dollar remains the main currency in the global market. European Union economy and debt crisis were jeopardized by not only financial tsunami impact but also global cash flow from USD into EUR. When the European debt crisis started in 2010, Greece, Ireland, Portugal, Spain, and Italy were spontaneously affected. European Union must prevent the entire Euro Zone from domino effect. In 2012, therefore, the IMF commenced to bailout Greece, Ireland, Portugal, Spain, and Cyprus. Those countries also promised to implement the structure adjustment policy to pull their economy back to the right track. The crucial solution for Europe debt crisis is not easily resolved in a short term but must have a long term planning and sustainable policy with state, regional and global analytical levels.
From international export contribution perspectives, Europe is the most important partner for China. Hence, dealing with Europe debt crisis, China must take action to not only bail out the entire Europe, but also stimulate China’s own economy. China has to enhance their partnership with Europe from international trades to political, fiscal, and monetary policies by positive interactive negotiations, transparent information exchanges, and comprehensive cooperation.
The thesis emphasizes on the root causes of Europe debt crisis, and the resolutions in the state level, regional level and international level to further analyze the relationship between China and Europe by review three levels. Firstly, it examines the internal meaning of policy. Then, it analyses future relationships between European Union and China with neo-liberal institutionalism and realism. Finally, it suggests that both EU and China should have common ideas and improve their local systems to prevent their macro economy from second recession. |