摘要: | 隨著最近數十來年視覺資訊量的急遽增加,各種媒體的閱聽人、科技產品的使用者都經常需要處理大量圖像,然而面對為數眾多的圖片數量實,要從中篩選出吻合個人所需之符合特定主題或意義的圖片,著實是一件認知負擔相當吃重的工作。本研究由此現象作為動機,試圖模擬現代人經常在生活當中的一個行為,即由多種圖片構成的背景當中搜尋符合特定主題的圖片,研究者設計了兩個視覺搜尋實驗,在實驗一當中操弄了色彩有無、視角大小、給定的圖片主題、不同的干擾背景圖片等因子,觀察受試者在尋圖作業當中的主題偵測正確率以及自我評估的信心指數兩項依變項,結果發現搜尋主題以及視覺搜尋視角大小對於兩個觀察值均有顯著效果,而其他因子對其中之一有影響。在實驗二當中加入了不同情緒表情的圖片主題因子作為搜尋目標,並使用眼動追蹤技術觀察受試者尋圖的行為,結果發現受試者對於表達快樂的正面情緒有較佳的偵測正確率,其他因子之影響則類似實驗一之結果。另外再眼球運動的觀測結果發現,凝視時間、次數以及掃視路徑都明顯受到呈現刺激的大小所影響。
Due to the drastically growth of visual information in recent decades, people are frequently exposed to vast amount of images. When facing numerous images, identifying any specific image from many irreverent images becomes challenging to the viewer’s visual cognitive capacity. To investigate the behavior of detecting the specific image from complex background, this research mimics a situation happens in everyday life, i.e., to search an image that match a specific theme from the background composed of various images. The researcher carried out two visual searching experiments to examine the effect of certain factors. In the experiment I, the factors including the given image theme, color, visual angle of stimuli size and background distractors were examined. After comparing the correction rate of image theme detection and the self-reported confidence scores, the results show that the different given theme (human action, expressions, arbitrary objects) and viewing angle are two effective factors in correction rate and confidence score, and the other factors are found effective in one of two. The experiment II is also designed as a theme detection task, but theme of target image are constrained in four kinds of facial expressions, happiness, sad, pain and angry. The other factors are similar with that of in experience I. Besides the observation the detection rate and the confidence scores, the detecting behavior of the participants were also recorded by an eye tracker. The results shown that the participants were more sensitive to detect the facial expression representing happiness. The effect of color, viewing angle and distractors types are identical to that of in experiment I. The eye movement pattern, including the fixation time, fixation duration and saccade path, is specifically influenced by the present viewing size of the stimuli. |