摘要: | 本論文主要是探討聖桑( Camille Saint-Saëns, 1835-1921 )的d小調第一號鋼琴與小提琴奏鳴曲,作品七十五。聖桑的小提琴奏鳴曲有兩首,以第一號較為著名,此曲完成的時間為1885年。第二號為降E大調,完成時間於1896年。
此曲由兩個部分所組成,為兩個樂章的規格,但卻又是四個樂章的結構所譜寫,因此亦可分為四個樂章,在這裡筆者將以四個樂章來分析。第一部分,筆者分析為第一樂章,激動的快板(Allegro agitato),和第二樂章,柔和的緩板(Adagio)組成;第二部分則是第三樂章相當於詼諧曲(Scherzo)和第四樂章終曲(Finale)所組成。以華麗的寫作手法來表現,在小提琴的曲目有著重要的地位,因而經由指導教授的推薦,也激起筆者對研究此作品的興趣。
This thesis investigates the Sonata for violin and piano No. 1 in D minor, Op. 75 of Saint-Saëns (1835-1921). There are two Sonatas of violin composed by Saint-Saëns Sonata No.1 is well-known by people, it was completed by Saint-Saëns in 1885. Sonata No.2 is in Eb major, which was completed in 1896.
This composition is mainly composed by two parts, with a scale of two movements, however, it was actually composed with a structures of four movements. Therefore, it can also be divided into four movements. In this thesis, the author will analyze it as four movements. The first part of this thesis will analyze first two movements, Which are composed in “Allergo” and “Adagio”.while the second part Which is including last two movements, was composed in “Scherzo” and “Finale”. They are presented with a style of splendid and consequently, which played an important role in the violin repertoire. Through the guidance of the advisor, it inspires the author is inspired study further on this composition.
The author will divide the contents into several chapters that will describe the background, life, music style of Saint-Saëns. Also, through the analysis of the music, the song structure, creative approach of tonality and harmony as the basis of performance interpretation. The author is expecting through this study, it will further enable the author to fully understand the structure of composition, and perform violin in line with the times. |