本研究之目的在探討兒少保社工的工作價值觀、心理契約與離職傾向彼此間關聯性。本研究採用問卷調查法,以台北市及新北市公私部門之兒少保社工員為研究母群,採普查方式進行調查,經回收有效問卷共84份。研究使用「基本背景資料調查表」、「工作價值觀量表」、「心理契約量表」、「離職傾向量表」等工具,調查所得資料分別以「描述性統計」、「單因子變異數分析」、「Pearson's 積差相關」及「徑路分析」等方法加以統計分析,本研究主要發現如下:
The purpose of this study is to explore the correlation among work value,Psychological Contract and Turnover Intention for the Social Workers of Child and Youth Protection Service. The study was completed by using questionnaire. The target population is based on social workers of child and youth protection service in the public and private sectors in Taipei city and New Taipei city. A total of 84 effective questionnaires were collected from the group for analysis. The study applies “Basic Information Form”, “Work Value Scale”, ”Psychological Contract Scale”, and “Turnover Intention Scale” the study results from the questionnaire survey were analyzed with “descriptive statistics”, “one -way ANOVA”, “Pearson’s product-moment correlation "and " path analysis ".
Five main conclusions and findings are described as follows:
1.The influence of basic characteristics of each variable on Work Value, Psychological Contract, and Turnover Intention.
2.When the work system is unfair or unreasonable, it will affect its Turnover Intention.
3.The positive mentally value of Social Workers of Child and Youth Protection Service significantly affects its relational Psychological Contract.
4.Self-control and support from colleagues will increase workers’ intention to stay.
5.The correlation between Psychological Contract and Turnover Intention does not have strong predictions and it lacks for a mediating effect.