In this study, 2011the Taiwan Hakka specialty as analysis objects and constructs a "cultural elements" and "creative elements" as the indicators of the Hakka creative cultural products. Besides, to analytic approach of the text and analytic approach of the text representation, and to compare Hakka creative cultural products analytic approach of the text and the relationship and the difference of analytic approach of the text representation. Also raise some suggestions for theoretical way and pragmatic way to future creator, government and academic study. It is in-depth interview and text analysis of the text in order to do it according to establishing the research approach and to compare the difference of analytic approach of the text and analytic approach of the text representation. Two findings of the studies:
A.Cultural elements and Creative elements analysis.
1. The products are to show Hakka cultural elements.
2.Add new concept to reinforce the new generation identity.
3.Packaging design to represent Hakka construction.
4.The creation of text into the Hakka spirit.
5.To change the extension meaning to adapt the change of society.
B.The comparison between analytic approach of the text and analytic approach of the text representation.
1.Subjective disparity
2. Media present disparity
3.Culture disparity