Wong Ching Ping is a famous pipa performer and composer. All his compositions are full of his personal characteristics. Rime of the Pipa was one of his most important works, The Three Nursery Rhyme Suite was composed in 2009 for Wong’s pipa recital. This thesis focuses on each pieces’ creating backgrounds, musical analysis and pipa performing techniques and athestic. There are five chapters in this thesis.
In chapter I “Introduction”, which “research goals and motivations”, “research field” and “research methods” are introduced. Wong’s life、the process of learning music and composes’ characteristics are the main subject in chapter II “Wong’s short biography and music athestic. In chapter III “Reasearch of Rime of the Pipa” and chapter IV “Reasearch of The Three Nursery Rhyme Suite”, firstly introduces the creating background and the creating process and secondly analysing the compositions as well as the performing techniques. There is a summary in every chapter.
In chapter V “Conclusion”, a statement of brief summary on each chapter is presented, followed by the conclusion towards the whole research.