本論文分三大部分,系統建立與測試、維修計劃建立及風機性能提升。文中以文化大學1.8~2.4KW風機為研析工具,從風機按規格安裝(民國97年)到正常啟動,至今的累積發電量為4020.7 kwh(風機1:2585.6 kwh、風機2:1435.1 kwh),透過LabView人機介面線上即時監控,建立數據庫(數據及影像)配合現場目視檢驗,作維修執行前之工作。在系統建立後要定期維修保養,作系統之維修研究,依風機之現況,依年月日時,分為一天(即時檢查)、3個月(季檢)及一年(年檢)之時程,維修方式分為目視觀察、現場維修及進廠維修等方式,訂定維修計畫,使風機系統在維修中進行性能保固及壽命延長,進而提升其安全性、可靠度及耐用度,以減少風機故障發生的機率,使風機更能發揮其效益。在性能提昇方面,為量測風機葉片,透過已執行之國科會計畫「風能系統葉片3-D 實體量測系統自製、量測數據、資料分析與應用」(已於2011年9月圓滿完成),建立一3D葉片掃描平台,以此3D葉片掃描平台,配合現有風機系統,量測現有風機葉片,求得葉片翼型3D模型之剖面,再分析其剖面之氣動力特性,帶入現有的數學模式,求取實測風力之風能轉換係數,作為未來改進之依據。
This thesis is divided into three parts: the system establishment and inspection technique, maintenance procedure set up and enhance the wind turbine performance.
The wind turbine which we used to study in here is 1.8~2.4 KW wind turbine in P.C.C.U. Campus—installed since 2008.The power is already cumulated 4020.7kwh.
Through LabView/the man-machine interface, we process in real-time monitoring on line by campus network. We have three stages maintenance—every day (immediate inspection), three month (quarter inspection) and every one year (annual inspection).
In performance improvement topic in here ,we through the implementation of NSC Project” Home-Made 3-D Image Measuring Instrument” to integrate a 3D blade scan platform to obtain the profile of the blade airfoil 3D model, then put aerodynamic parameters into existing mathematical model to enhance the energy conversion coefficient as a basis for future improvement.