本計畫以台北都會區為研究地區,研究都市土地覆蓋對都市熱島與人體舒適之影響。都市熱島研究部分之研究重點為:實地量測台北都會區樣本點之中午、夜間、以及午夜3 個時段之空氣溫度、濕度、風速以及周邊地表溫度,以辨識都市熱島,計算都市熱島強度以及3 個時段各地區之降溫幅度,以及建置土地覆蓋類別資料,包括:林地、草生地、水域、裸露地、鋪面、以及建物等)。然後以各樣本點從中午至午夜降溫幅度為依變數,以微氣候變數及土地覆蓋為自變數,建構各種都市熱島退溫模式,以分析決定熱島降溫之主要因素,以及模擬各種土地覆蓋變動之都市熱島減輕效果。人體舒適部分之研究重點在於選擇各類微氣候環境類別之調查基地,實地量測各基地之空氣溫度、濕度、風速、地表溫度、以及黑球溫度等氣候因子,以及於各調查基地上調查民眾對所處地點之熱覺(thermal sensation)以及整體舒適度(thermal comfort)。然後,建立「熱覺模式」與「舒適模式」,以分析影響「熱覺」與「舒適」之主要因素,以及進一步透過土地覆蓋對地表溫度、空氣溫度、以至平均輻射溫度(mean radian temperature)之影響,分析土地覆蓋變動(如:增加都市綠地與水域面積、減少鋪面或提高鋪面反射率等)對熱舒適之效應。
The Taipei Metropolitan Area (TMA) is to be chosen as a study area to explore the effect of land covers on urban heat islands (UHI) and the thermal sensation (TS) and thermal comfort (TC) of the general public. Regarding to the UHI, our efforts will be placed on: (1). identifying the UHI by sampling survey the air temperature, the moisture, the wind velocity, and the surface temperature at noon, afternoon and midnight. (2). establishing the land covers data which specifying the forest, grass, water, bare land, pavement and buildings. (3). treating the temperature discrepancy over space as an dependent variable and the local climate conditions and land covers as independents to construct models which allow us to identify the determinants of mitigating the UHI. (4). simulating the effects of land cover change on mitigating the UHI. Regarding to the TS and TC, we will choose various type of sites based on local climate conditions and land covers for doing survey. On each selected site, the general public will be asked his/her TS and TC, and the local climate conditions are also recorded. Then, the efforts will be made to construct the TS‐model and TC‐model so as to analyze the effects of local climate parameters and land covers on the TS and TC. Finally, the UHI mitigation and thermal comfort strategies will be attempted.