自不同花農處購買五種以上之切花進行測試,以立式容器進行長期運輸,使用第一年度測試之迫吸液配方,對不同栽培種切花進行效果之比較,是本年度之重點.並以調整後之配方與業者合作銷日切花二萬枝以上在產業效益上,本計劃預期於二年內將下列目標完成: 1.洋桔梗切花海運銷日之迫吸液配方:配方之內容以克服洋桔梗切花於低溫長 期海運貨櫃貯運後易發生之品質劣變,如葉片及小花梗軟垂、小花不開、花色表顯不完整、瓶插壽命縮短等為具體改善指標。 2.洋桔梗切花產地採收後處理流程:擬發展出洋桔梗銷日切花採收後處理之標準作業流程,如採收後田間吸水、集貨場分級包裝、冷藏庫預冷和迫吸處理或燻蒸處理到裝箱入櫃之配套作業,期能達到最有效率且降低處理成本之模式。
The present study will focus on the investigation of common problems occurred during the long-term storage of cut Eustoma flowers. Items studies including the appearance of leaf, opening of individual florets, and pigmentation of petals. The data obtained will be used to adjust the further formalation of postharvest treatment solution in the long run. Cultivars tested including cut flowers from various location cultivated by different local growers in Nan-Tou, Tien-Wei. Pulsing solutions used including those containing relatively high concentrations of sugars, and/or various sources of carbohydrate and/or ethylene inhibitors, namely, silver thiosulfate and 1-methyl cyclopropane.