高齡社會來臨,高齡者因感官功能退化、身心知能也產生變化,加上豐富的人生經歷,使高齡者的媒介使用行為、學習動機與訊息需求,都不同於年輕族群。然而目前各級醫療院所仍欠缺專門為高齡族群設計的衛教宣傳品,即使是對高齡族群威脅力最大的「癌症」疾病,更缺乏高齡族群專屬的傳播內容,致使健康科學傳播效果不如預期。本計畫考量高齡者的媒體使用行為與身心狀況,決定以操作簡易且使用流暢的iPad 電子書為開發對象,以預防醫學的觀點出發,將「癌症的形成與作用機轉」、「癌症其相關致癌原」與「癌症的預防」等三個重要概念置入內容主軸,進而設計互動式多媒體電子書,以符合高齡族群閱讀習慣的呈現方式,藉此傳播癌症病因的整體性概念。電子書的設計理念將一改過去衛教宣傳品單向、呆板、缺乏互動的傳統,研究團隊將以結合文字、聲音、影像、圖片、動畫、圖表等多媒體的方式呈現,同時提供雙向互動的功能,讓高齡使用者可以依自己的學習動機、學習進度與主題偏好,進行客製化的訊息接收。為期一年的執行過程,將由團隊老師帶領學生進行實際的製作,讓學生有機會融合理論與實務,也讓學生學發展體貼高齡者的同理心,共同營造友善的高齡社會。
With the coming of aging society, more and more elders have different media use behavior, learning motivation and information needs because of their aging mental and physical functions as well as abundant life experiences. However, health education materials designed for elders in all levels of authorities concerned are still limited especially in the disease that threatens our elders’ lives dramatically—Cancer. This study will take elders’ media use behavior, mental and physical situation into consideration. iPad will be chosen as a transmission platform due to its ease of use. The digital content will be designed as an e-book including topics such as cancers formation, causes of cancers, and prevention of cancers. The purpose is to present the information of preventing cancer according to elders’ reading preferences through interactive multimedia e-book. The design of our e-book will be different from traditional health education materials, which are dull and lacking interaction. The final product of our study will combine several multimedia such as text, audio, video, picture, graph, and animation as well as provide interactive functions for elders to learn adaptively according to their learning motivation, learning process, and preferences. In the process of this one year, the teachers will guide our students for practical production to provide opportunities for them to combine theory and hands-on experiences. This study will also recall students’ sympathy for elders and eventually develop an elder-friendly society.