Mr. Thome H. Fang came to Taiwan in 1948 and was appointed the chairman of the Department of Philosophy at Taiwan University. Concerned with affairs and fate of the state, he gradually moved toward Chinese philosophy, carrying on the study of Chinese philosophy in the departments of philosophy in Taiwan. Now, thirty-four years after Mr. Fang's death, not many college students read his writings in either mainland China or Taiwan. Therefore, this article is meant to introduce Thome H. Fang to the students in Taiwan and refer briefly to his interpretation about Zhuang Zi's philosophy. First, we introduce Fang's grand vision about the common nature of Chinese philosophy and the fundamental views of Taoist philosophy. Founded on the common organism of Chinese metaphysics and premising that Chinese philosophy is ultimately concerned with the meaning and value of life, Fang had an insight about how the metaphysical spirit of Zhuang Zi's "The Theory of the Equality of AII Things" could wander between the apparently oppositional world s of "being" and "nothingness." He believed that the ultimate state of life as a true man, a saint and a sage could be achieved on earth. For Thome H. Fang, only under the principle of harmonizing with both right and wrong and resting in Heaven the Equalizer could one be completely relieved spiritually and wander at ease in the infinite world of meanings after experiencing the states of life at various levels.