本計畫之研究主題為「行動不便者與一般民眾競用緊急出口避難行為模式之研究」,藉由相關研究報告與文獻資料得知,當災害發生時一般民眾逃生避難已相當不易;對於平常走動,都會覺得困難之「行動不便者」,火災發生時必須與爭先恐後的一般民眾,同時於避難路徑上一起移動;當到達「緊急出口」附近後,又被擁塞及滯留的人群,阻隔於遠離緊急出口之區域;甚至必須與一般民眾競相使用避難動線之瓶頸:「緊急出口」。必須克服民眾推擠與阻擋,必須費力地推開防火門,才得以成功地逃生至地面避難層或相對安全區域 (安全梯間),其危險程度,淺顯易懂,不言可喻。因此站在「行動不便者」觀點;以感同身受、設身處地思維;再以問卷調查、現地攝影及人流實驗等研究方法,瞭解「行動不便者」處於火場危險情境下,為確保自身安全必須快速通過「緊急出口」時,其遭遇之困難與危險情境。並且根據「行動不便者」可能遇到之危險情境以及其避難行為模式,訂定有效防制對策以及安全行動方案,藉以防止推擠、跌倒或踐踏等傷亡情況發生;預防一般民眾於緊急狀況下無心之過;避免行動不便者干擾一般民眾逃生避難順暢性;以及提高行動不便者逃生避難成功機率,即為本計畫主要研究方向與目的。
"Research for escaping behaviors model of the disabled and general people in emergency exit at same time" is topic of this project. Learning from relevant research and documents, it is difficult for general people to escape when the calamity happened. But the disabled have to move escaping with the people falling over each other at same time on same route, when the fire took place, it should be most difficult and complicate situation. More, the disabled try to reach the emergency exit, they could be toppled over or pushed away from the exit by crowd people. The disabled must reach to the emergency exit as same as the general people. Hence, for understanding the disabled under the fire situation how to escape to the safe area (such as staircase) and pass through the emergency exit fast, the research methods of this project is including questionnaire investigation, photographing and experiment etc. According to the dangerous situation and escaping behaviors of the disabled, to stipulate the security moving strategy; to prevent pushing, shoving, falling and injured occurred; to avoid the disabled stopping the general people escaping smoothly; to improve the successful probability of the disabled escaping; those described above are the main direction and purpose of this research.