本計劃的主要目的是將電子設計自動化(Electronic Design Automation, EDA)置於雲端計算中,所考慮的EDA 主題為設計驗證裡最重要的線路模擬(Circuit Simulation),因為線路模擬最為耗時也最為重要,利用雲端計算的特性-可以在Server 端使用高階的、平行運算的、快速的電腦以及大量的記憶體,將線路模擬軟體置於Server 端計算,將可以大幅加快計算速度,另外線路模擬的輸出輸入資料主要為純文字檔,資訊安全的作為可以有獲得較高的保密安全度。要放置到雲端的線路模擬程式必須較快速、穩固,但相對的,其也可以使用高階硬體(有較快的計算速度,或是平行運算能力),和大量的記憶體;本計劃提出的模擬程式有兩個,第一個為嶄新的以穩固度為首要考量的Fast SPICE 線路模擬演算法,稱做穩固導向快速SPICE 演算法(Robustness-Oriented Fast SPICE Algorithm),簡稱ROFS 演算法,此演算法有較為快速的計算速度,而且可以利用平行運算加速;第二個為漸增電路模擬(Incremental Circuit Simulation)演算法,此演算法儲存計算所得波形,耗用大量記憶體,但在下一次的模擬中,可利用所儲存波形去加速計算,若是下一次模擬的電路設計變化不多,將可以有很好的加速效果。除了放置兩個雲端計算程式之外,資安也有詳盡規劃,可以高程度的保護上傳之電路檔的安全。
The purpose of this project is to put EDA (Electronic Design Automation) applications into the Cloud. The topic of EDA application we choose is circuit simulation that is one of the most important and time-consuming. The characteristics of Cloud computing are the availability of high-end computing resources, including parallel computing, faster CPU, and a lot of memory. Therefore, circuit simulators can run faster on Cloud servers. By the way, the input and output formats of circuit simulation are text, which is easier to be protected. There are two simulation algorithms proposed in this project. The first one is the Robustness-oriented Fast SPICE algorithm (ROFS). This algorithm is fast as well robust, and it can exploit the parallel computing capability of Cloud servers. The second one is the circuit-level incremental simulation, which needs to store all waveforms such that, in the next simulation, the simulation speed can be enhanced by using these old waveforms. In case that there are only minor design modifications, the incremental simulation efficiency would be high. Except the two circuit simulation algorithms, the arrangement of information security for these simulators has been proposed, too. The safety of uploaded circuit files can be protected very well.