本計畫之目的為評估利用樹薯調製成飼料以餵飼肉雞之飼料價值。計畫蒐集本省桃園、台南及高雄三地生產之樹薯進行營養成分分析及比較,並選擇台南玉井種植之樹薯,進行肉雞之代謝試驗。本計畫已完成收集台南玉井、高雄及桃園新庄子等3地區農民種植之樹薯,並完成成分分析含總熱能、水分、灰份、粗蛋白、粗脂肪、粗纖維並計算無氮抽出物(NFE)。來自高雄、台南與桃園之樹薯經分析後其總熱能分別為4648、3864及3951 kcal/kg (乾基)。代謝試驗進行取受試雞隻於飼養至3週齡開始每日訓練其飼料於1小時內採食完畢,於4週齡進行第一次代謝試驗,並於6週齡及13週齡進行第二、三次代謝試驗。台南玉井生產之樹薯之代謝能(TME)於肉雞4、6及13週齡測量結果分別為3616 kcal/kg 、 3639 kcal/kg及3568 kcal/kg 。六週齡之TME結果將會用來計算取代玉米之飼料配方並應用於田間試驗。經濟評估發現若以市價之玉米每公斤11元、大豆每公斤19元計算,樹薯之售價(原料)必須每公斤低於9.93元(乾基)才有取代玉米的價值。玉米與大豆成分及價格變異都很大,因此計算時要視當時的進口價格及進口原料的組成而計算。
The purpose of this study is to investigate the feed value of cassava as a replacement for corn. Cassava from Tauyuan, Tainan and Kaoshung were collected and analyzed for their feed compositions using proximate analysis. The gross energy (GE) for cassava from Tauyuan, Tainan and Kaoshung were 4648、3864及3951 kcal/kg, respectively. Different levels of cassava were designed for testing the metabolic energy in broiler chickens. Broiler chickens were trained to consume given food in one hour from weeks of age. Metabolic experiments were operated at 4,6 and 13 weeks of age. The TME for cassava measured at 4, 6 and 13 weeks were 3616 kcal/kg, 3639 kcal/kg and 3568 kcal/kg , respectively. This result will be used to fomulate corn replacement feed ration for the field trial. Price analysis indicates that the cost of cassava should be less than NTD $9.93/kg (dry basis) in order to replace corn in the diet. The price and the composition of corn and SMB varies from time to time and shoule be taken into conceren while doing the price analysis.