女性進入職場工作已日漸普遍,雖然有愈來愈多企業組織傾向或支持僱用女性擔任管理職,即有領導角色女性化(feminization)的趨勢,但女性在高科技這類的製造工業產業中擔任主管的比例卻是偏低,高科技產業主管在對部屬升遷進行考量時,是否可能存在獨特的性別偏好實有必要進行探討。在高科技產業這種製造業中,組織的專業及管理層次上幾乎是單一性別的組織(男性多於女性),遂形成男性主導的局面,由於男性主導的權威可能導致垂直的性別隔離而形成歧視偏好,因此,將使得高科技產業主管在對部屬進行升遷考量時,可能會較偏好男性,另一方面,女性管理者比男性更傾向於採取轉換型領導風格,此種領導風格對於領導組織因應高科技產業中的高競爭性及不穩定性有正面的影響,因此,將使得高科技產業主管在對部屬進行升遷考量時,可能會較偏好女性。根據前人文獻的邏輯推論發現,高科技產業主管在對部屬進行升遷考量時,可能存在性別偏好,同時,性別角色平等的認知可能影響主管對部屬升遷的性別偏好,惟目前有關高科技產業主管對部屬升遷之性別偏好的探討尚付之闕如。基於以上研究問題,本研究目的為:(一)了解高科技產業主管對部屬升遷之性別偏好差異。(二)發現主管認知性別角色平等程度的不同在其對部屬升遷之性別偏好上之差異。研究方法本研究根據主題適合性第一階段將以高科技產業主管為研究對象。以調查法蒐集研究所需之資料,並以問卷為調查工具。正式調查擬發放2,000 份問卷進行調查。本研究相關變數參考前人文獻已發展之量表進行修改作為其衡量工具。擬採用相關係數分析、信度分析、t-test 及層級迴歸分析等方法進行資料分析。預期研究成果就學術理論言,預期本研究結果將有助於主管對部屬升遷之性別偏好領域知識範疇的擴展,將可彌補既有文獻無法說明高科技產業主管在對部屬進行升遷考量時,是否存在性別偏好及性別角色平等的認知是否會影響主管對部屬升遷的性別偏好現象之不足。同時,在管理實務應用方面,根據本研究結果可瞭解高科技產業主管對部屬升遷之性別偏好,提升國內科技研究人才之性別敏感度。據此,除可了解在高科技產業任職或欲進入該產業的女性員工在職場上可能面臨的發展障礙外,亦可幫助高科技產業的女性員工自我評估並發展其職涯規劃,進一步分析未來生涯轉換成功的潛力,以利高科技產業中女性人力資源的開發與運用,同時提供有關單位建立支援體系進行性別主流化政策推動時,有關高科技產業女性員工職涯發展輔導與協助策略的理論基礎及方向建議。
F Female labor force participation rate has been increasing. Although an increasing number of organizations support the employment of women supervisors, that is the trend of feminization on leading role, the proportion of female supervisors is still lower in high-tech industries. The possible unique gender preference of supervisors in high-tech industries during their promotion of subordinates remains to be a gap to explore. In high-tech manufacturing industries, professional and managerial levels of the organization are almost of a single- sex base (i.e. more men than women), resulting in male-dominated paradigm. The male-based authority may increase vertical sex segregation and, then, the formation of discrimination taste. This may make supervisors in high-tech industries prefer the promotion of male subordinates. On the other hand, female managers are more likely than men to take a transformational leader-ship style, and such a leadership style may contribute to the dealing with highly competitive and instable nature of high-tech organizations. This may make supervisors in high-tech industries prefer the promotion of female subordinates. However, previous studies have not focused on supervisors’ gender preference of promotion and the impact of perception on sex-role egalitarianism. The purposes of this study are: 1. discovering the differences on supervisors’ gender preference of promotion for high-tech industries, 2. discovering the differences on supervisors’ gender preference of promotion for high-tech industries due to perception on sex-role egalitarianism. Methodology The data of this study will be collected from supervisors in high-tech industries by 2,000 survey questionnaires. Variables will be measured through modified scales developed in previous studies. The collected data will be analyzed by means of coefficient of correlation analysis, reliability analysis, t-test and hierarchical regression analyses. Expected Contribution T This study addresses the gap on limited understanding about supervisors’ gender preference of promotion and will expand the knowledge on employee promotion from the perspectives of gender and high-tech organizations. Base on findings of this study, implications for counseling and assisting female employees in high-tech industries with their career planning and development are discussed.