摘要: | 本計畫旨在檢視被災者形象的媒體建構。從比較國際新聞編譯取材的差異、不同政治立場的國內媒體、不同的新聞來源三個角度著手,分析日本及台灣媒體如何建構2011年3月東日本大震災中的被災者,以豐富正在發展的災難研究領域,補充目前偏重於從結構功能出發的研究文獻之不足。 2011年3月日本東北部發生芮氏9級大地震,接踵而來出現海嘯與核能外洩事故,根據日本警察廳統計,到2011年12月22日為止,死亡15,843人,重傷者5,890人,失蹤3,469人。這是日本觀測史上最大規模地震。災難發生過後,國內外已累積不少研究從功能論與應用層面討論災難預警制度,也陸續有研究討論日本公共電視台NHK與社交媒體扮演的重要角色。然而,從文化的角度,分析大眾媒體如何建構被災者的形象,目前尚未有相關文獻。本計畫從社會建構角度出發,收集東日本大震災發生後,三周的媒體內容,比較日本《讀賣新聞》、台灣《聯合報》與《自由時報》的報導,希望透過本研究批判地分析媒體建構日本被災者所隱含的歷史與文化意義,與可能對被災者造成的正負面影響。
This research will investigate how the images of disaster victims are socially constructed in print media. A comparative study is adopted to analyse how the news about disasters in foreign countries are selected and translated into Taiwanese national media, and what impact the media’s political orientation may have on the coverage these news, and the differences between different news sources. The Great East Japan Earthquake, taking place in March 11, 2011, was the most powerful known earthquake ever to have hit Japan. It is officially reported at least 15, 843 deaths, 5,890 injured, 3,469 missing and NTD $ 6 trillion in estimated loss by December 22, 2011. Discussions and articles regarding the preparedness, warnings, and mitigation of this great complex disaster are abundant for more than half year since the event occurred. However, research from the cultural perspectives, e.g social construction of disaster victims, has little development. Methodologically, this research collects data from major newspapers in Japan and Taiwan, including Daily Yomiuri (Japan), the United Daily News (Taiwan) and the Liberty Times (Taiwan) during the period of March 12 and March 31. These three media outlets are among the top print news sources separately in Japan and in Taiwan with respect to circulation. All texts and photos are initially reviewed to decide the themes of coverage. A detailed review will be conducted subsequently to compile the frames and narratives embedded in media reporting with the method of comparative studies. Theoretically, this research draws upon the social construction approach, looking at how the victims as well as the rest of the Japanese people are portrayed in print media within the social contexts, e.g. traditional disaster myth, the description of Japanese character, etc. The existing literature on disaster research has been predominantly conducted in the west countries and takes the perspective of structural functionalism. This study aims to provide cultural dimension as an alternative perspective, and contribute to the existing literature on disaster research. |