本研究旨在藉由Ricoeur 有關責任及相關概念、相關公正理論、其公正觀點,闡釋對我國道德教育之意涵。本研究的方法主要採理論分析及詮釋學方法,期能達到如下目的:1.分析Ricoeur 對責任及其相關概念之論述;2.探討Ricoeur 對相關公正理論之詮釋與批判;3.探究Ricoeur 有關公正概念之內涵;4.闡釋Ricoeur 關於責任與公正觀點之道德教育蘊義;5.歸納研究結果,對我國當前道德教育議題進行反思,並提出道德教育實踐上之建議,俾供教育主管機關和學校參考。
The purposes of this research concentrate on “responsibility” and “justice”concepts and their implications for moral education through the perspective of P. Ricoeur. Therefore, this research is intended as investigations as follows: (1) analyze Ricoeur’s discourse about responsibility and the relevant concepts; (2) explore Ricoeur’s interpretation and critique on the relevant theories of justice; (3) explore Ricoeur’s discourse about justice; (4) provide implications and suggestions for moral education based on the research results.