1990 年代起,各國政府開始關注溫室氣體排放量與全球氣候變遷問題。聯合國總部舉辦一系列關於全球暖化的國際會議,1992 年召開會議開放簽屬《聯合國氣候變化綱要公約》,並於1997 年12 月於日本簽訂《京都議定書》。此《京都議定書》要求經濟發展國家承諾降低溫室氣體排放總量,往後溫室氣體減量成為各國之間重大議題。台灣行政院環境保護署於2008 年核定「永續能源政策綱領」,期望推動全國二氧化碳排放減量,亦推動各部門的實質節能減碳措施,讓各部門行動計畫,期望達成全國二氧化碳排放減量目標。多數文獻研究以初級能源投入來計算 CO2 排放量,行業細分類不可為或相當粗糙,而政府推動各部門節能減碳計畫,是必須要建立產業部門間碳排放量評估模式。故本計畫利用終端面能源消耗量資料,計算終端面碳排放量、碳排放密集度指數、碳排放效率,期望能提供台灣各產業排放碳效率的評比。而後計算先進國家、開發中國家之碳排放量,並建立世界各國終端面碳排放效率模型及資料庫。全球即將面臨的溫室氣體排放量高導致氣候暖化,及造成對自然環境的衝擊,期望此計畫能提供政府能深入省思各部門 CO2 排放的效率問題,以作為政策的檢討及國際比較。
From 1990s, many governments began to watch carefully about the emission of greenhouse gases and its relationship with climate change. The United Nations also hold a series of international conference about global warming issues, such as the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in 1992 and Kyoto Protocol in 1997. Most of the Counties agreed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions; especially focused on controlling energy related CO2 emissions. Thereafter, emissions of greenhouse gases became one of the hottest topics for international community. In Taiwan, The Executive Yuan ratified Sustainable Energy Policy in 2008. Reduction of carbon dioxide emissions, improvement of energy conservation and energy efficiency are the main themes of energy policies in Taiwan. The policy target is to reduce local carbon emissions and mitigate global warming problem. Previous studies took primary energy data to compute energy related CO2 emissions; however, the major drawback was impossible or difficult to calculate the energy related CO2 emissions by sectors. End-used and by-sector energy related CO2 emissions are the core of energy conservation and carbon reduction policies in many countries. It’s necessary to establish international database of end-used and by-sector energy related CO2 emissions. The present study is going to construct a database of end-used energies and compute their carbon emissions. A vertical decomposition analysis model will also be built to access and evaluate the end-used and by-sector carbon emission intensity and efficiency index. The present study will cover advanced countries as well as developing economies, and set up a global carbon emission database. The difficulty of this study is also the global database construction. It is a highly labor intensive and costly work. The result of this study can be useful for government policy reviewing because of international comparison of global efficiency of end-used and by-sector carbon emission intensity and efficiency index.