依據政府之各項政策,經濟部商業司歷年來致力於流通及物流運籌商業優化之推動,逐年已累積良好成效,朝向「產業知識化及突破產業發展」的目的,創新服務及營運模式,冀能佈建出我國具高附加價值之商業服務體系,加速帶領台灣邁向知識新經濟,提升整體產業競爭力,促成商業服務業領導廠商積極投入全球巿場。因應網際網路之發展,為協助我國商業服務業提升整體產業競爭力,優化已成為首要之務,而商業服務業要全面提升優化能力及建立優化環境,須有大量優化人才。本計畫之目的在加強培訓商業優化人才,強化國內商業服務業優化環境。計畫擬定商業服務業優化人才培訓方向,透過召開商業優化研討活動與論壇、辦理商業服務業企業優化培訓混培訓與交流會,期能有助於建立國內商業充份資訊流通環境,落實讓台灣服務(Served by Taiwan) 成為台灣新產業標誌,期與「台灣製造」(made in Taiwan)同享國際盛名,再創經濟奇蹟。
Followed government policies, the Department of Commerce of Ministry of Economic Affairs has devoted on promoting electoniclization (IT and network) of circulation and logistics services, and has received fruitful results in past years. New services and business models, matching toward the goal of “making industry intellegient and innovating industry development,” have been generated. This hopefully can deploy high value-added service systems in our country, accelerate conversion of knowledge economics in Taiwan, enhance its overall industrial competition competencies, and facilitate its leading domestic service vendors involve in global market. In order to keep on with the development of Internet and to facilitate the service industry enhance its overall competencies, electoniclization is a must. Overall enhancement of electoniclization capabilities and building electoniclization environment requires huge amount of electoniclization professionals to support. The purpose of this project is to increase the number of professionals from service industries with electoniclization capabilities through intensive training courses. With their involvements and efforts into service industries, the electoniclization environment (IT and network) of service industries in Taiwan will be enhanced. The project team will provide directions for the training, supervises training activities, and reviews the guidance for writing electoniclization training materials for service industry professionals. The project facilitates building a solid domestic service industries environment for information exchange. A solid information exchange environment is essential for reaching the goal of “Served by Taiwan.”