我國政治獻金制度改革之研究中文摘要 台灣《政治獻金法》施行迄今已近十年,其間曾3度進行修正,但各界對該法的實施成效,仍然呈現強烈的懷疑。許多可能觸法的行為,選舉時固然喧騰一時,但往往在選後便煙消雲散,使得行為適法性或法制缺失未能獲得適當檢討,甚至因此使得我國缺乏法制改革的依據。台灣實施的若干選戰規則乃參考國外實例所制定,故而,進行其他國家法制的比較研究,無疑是瞭解我國施行相關法制可能潛在問題的第一步。是故,本研究將針對美國、德國、日本、韓國、星加坡所實施的政治獻金法進行比較研究,期望從中爬梳我國法制變革的參考。本研究旨在呈現各國在不同文化與國情下,如何求取競選公平性的各種作為,及因此所衍生的問題。國外案例雖未見得可以完全移植國內,但此一研究包含新舊民主國家、大小不同的國家規模、與美歐亞的政治體制,相信必能提供我國決策者,在思考政治獻金法變革上,各種不同面向的參考。
Studying the Reform of Political Donations Act in the Republic of China An Abstract Taiwan has enforced Political Donations Act for about 10 years. Although the Act was revised 3 times during the decade, few feel confident on its effects. Many candidates applied the law to accuse their rivals, yet accusations were soon withdrawn after the end of election. The law in Taiwan becomes an instrument to defeat electoral competitors, instead of a rule to assure campaign fairness. Consequently, the appropriateness of the Law in Taiwan has not been really tested. Undeniably, many electoral regulations legislated in Taiwan were copied from foreign examples. The researcher thus believes that we can learn the effectiveness of Taiwan’s Political Donations Act by reviewing the studies on its foreign precursors. This study selects America, Germany, Japan, South Korea, Singapore as Taiwan’s role models on the enforcement of similar law. The selection covers old and emerging democracies, big and small states, European, Asia and American political systems. With such a wide spectrum of different nations, the researcher believes that Taiwan’s decision maker could have no difficulty in figuring out suitable reform projects from the research analysis for Taiwan’s specific situations.