摘要: | 本項三年期之研究將以意象基模(image schemas)為詮釋進路,針對《莊子》中某些重要的概念、觀點及主張進行思辨與探索。首先將透過分析「通」及其相關概念間共通的認知模式,釐清《莊子》中有關「通」之概念的意象基模。本研究企圖指出,此意象基模能為《莊子》中許多重要的哲學概念與論題等,指出其間潛在的關聯,從而有益於理解《莊子》哲學意義之結構。於計畫之第一年間,筆者將建立本研究中主要的意象基模、確認相關語叢,從而提出對〈大宗師〉坐忘篇章之新詮釋。此部分之研究,亦將涉及到具身性(embodiment)之探討。計畫執行的第二年,將進一步應用此意象基模,於中國醫學之脈絡下,探討〈外物〉「道不欲壅」之段落。計畫之第三年將以〈逍遙遊〉與〈秋水〉為文本,運用此研究方法來探討自我認同(self-identity)之哲學問題。本計畫亦擬進一步探討,將此一研究方法應用至其他早期中國哲學文獻的可行性。此研究之目的有四:一為揭示「通」之所立基之一種認知模式,即關於「通」之意象基模。為達此目的,本研究亦擬確認並闡明圍繞於此意象基模之概念群。其次,本研究企圖指出,理解此一意象基模及其相關之概念群,將有助於詮釋其他哲學概念,且能以較具說服力之方式,澄清一些重要的哲學篇章。第三,此計畫冀能透過探討此等認知模式,說明身心之間的密切關係。最後,此研究方法若能順利揭示《莊子》部分之哲學意義,本計畫亦擬將之發展為理解其他中國哲學文獻的重要研究方法之一。筆者將儘可能在國內外的研討會、期刊上發表研究成果,以測驗此研究方法之可行性,期望每年均能發表/投稿一篇英文文章於國際期刊。
Following the lead of research on metaphors developed in the past two decades, I adopt the notion of “image schema” as a hermeneutical tool in approaching a number of concepts, ideas, and statements in early Chinese texts, in particular the Zhuangzi. In this three-year project, I will analyze a number of terms that centre on an image schema regarding the notion of “non-obstruction” in the Zhuangzi. In doing so, an opposite cluster of terms related to the notion of “obstruction” will also be discussed. This image schema provides, I believe, the underlying connection for a number of crucial concepts and themes and thus helps us to perceive a structure of interrelated meanings in the Zhuangzi. During the first year, I will establish the basic schema, identify the terminological clusters and present an image schema interpretation of the zuowang passage in chapter 6. This will also touch upon issues of embodiment. In the second year, I will further apply my methodology to a passage from Zhuangzi 26 that approaches the concepts of dao and xin from the above image schema, and from within a context related to Chinese medicine. During the third year, I will work around issues of self-identity and focus on chapters 1 and 17, both of which include spatial imagery. I will also look into how the developed methodology can be applied more broadly to other early Chinese philosophical texts. The proposal has four objectives. First, it aims to reveal a cognitive pattern, an image schema, related to the notions of “obstruction” and “non-obstruction.” In doing so, it intends to identify and explain a cluster of terms centering around this schema. Second, it aspires to show that a proper understanding of this image schema and this terminological cluster is important for interpreting additional philosophical concepts and for clarifying passages that are commonly explained in rather unconvincing ways. Third, it aims at demonstrating the close relation between mind and body through the embodied basis of the image schema. Fourth, if successful in revealing part of the philosophical meaning of the Zhuangzi, it could also serve as a promising method for understanding other Chinese philosophical texts. I plan to make my work known through conferences/journal publications, both domestically and internationally. My aim is to submit one paper per year. |