本研究創新產品採用Rogers(1995)之創新擴散屬性、人格特質採用Costa and McCrae(1985)之五大模型作為衡量依據。進一步探討創新產品的特性與消費者人格特質的不同,對平板電腦購買意願的影響。
While technology firms keep developing new models of tablet PC and trying to acquire more share in this growing market, iPad from Apple still takes majority market share and leaves little share for Non-Apple tablet PC makers. Deemed as a innovative product, what features of tablet PC are influencing people’s buying decision? Will peo-ple’s purchasing decision be influenced by their personal characters?
This research is attempting to answer the aforementioned two questions from the following two dimensions: Feature of Innovative Product, based on Rogers’s(1995) Dif-fusion of Innovation, and Consumer Personality Trait, based on Costa and McCrae’s (1985) Big- Five Personalities.
The data in this research is collected from paper based and internet based ques-tionnaires, which is done by people who have experience of purchasing 3C (Computer, Communication, Consumer) electronics. 300 questionnaire samples were released and 223 effective one received, with 74.3% effective sampling rate. The analysis results can be summarized into the following points:
1.Innovative product’s “Relative advantage”, “Compatibility”, ”Complex-ity”, ”Trialability” and ”Observability” of the Tablet PC’s all have signifi-cant positive influence toward purchasing intention.
2. “Extraversion”, “Openness to Experience” and “Agreeableness” of con-sumer’s personality have significant positive influence to purchasing inten-tion.
3.Different personality traits are considerable factors of purchasing intention.