According to the rapid changes of information technology in the world, enterprises face to the chal-lenges of global competition and innovating technology. In order to deal with these challenges, enterprises should aggressively react to the changes of market and environment not only to sustain the core competitive-ness by innovating techniques but also to keep circum-spect with the flexibility and simplify of human re-sources. Enterprises can maintain flexibility of human resources by adopting outsourced labor. By doing that, enterprises can partially eliminated liability of em-ployment and gain advantages of direct management
with high efficiency.
The expectation from this study is to discover how to reduce turnover rate of dispatched labors from the perspectives of management. Based on the summari-zation of published literatures, the factors of separation intention can be structured by three categories with ten variables. Also, in order to find the connection be-tween separation intention and factors, methodologies of questionnaire and statistical analysis are adopted in this
The empirical analysis result shows that age, mar-riage, education, job satisfaction and commitment to organization in the personal category have high effect ratio to the separation intention of dispatched labors. Especially, two variables, marriage and commitment, are
the most important factors.
In the organization category, job and compensa-tion satisfaction have a strong negative connection to the turnover rate. Therefore, the labor providers can conduct personal attribute analysis in order to enhance stability at client side, while recruiting new employees.
Moreover, to improve job and compensation sat-isfaction can increase the commitment to organizations and also can strengthen intention of job involvement. The overall improvement can reduce turnover rate and
enhance performance as well.