隨著時代潮流,各國逐漸重視環保,觀光雖被稱為無煙囪產業但仍須永續經營,餐飲服務亦是觀光業中重要的一環,其對環境造成的威脅更是不容小覷。過去文獻中計畫行為理論運用於餐飲業之研究相對較少,而消費者對綠色環保餐廳消費行為之應用更是缺乏。因此本研究以Ajzen (1985)所提出的計畫行為理論(theory of planned behavior, TPB)為基礎,就影響消費者對綠色環保餐廳消費意願等各項因素進行研究。本研究目的為理解各項因素對綠色環保餐廳之消費意願與行為的影響。本研究以台北車站為研究範圍,消費者為研究對象,並採便利抽樣,收得有效問卷389份。結果顯示,消費者對綠色環保餐廳的行為信念會正向影響態度;消費者對綠色環保餐廳的態度正會向影響消費意願;消費者對綠色環保餐廳的規範信念正向影響會主觀規範;消費者對綠色環保餐廳的主觀規範正向會影響消費意願;消費者對綠色環保餐廳的控制信念會正向影響知覺行為控制;消費者對綠色環保餐廳的知覺行為控制會正向影響消費意願。
Since 1990, the Green Restaurant Association (GRA) has led the green restaurant movement. The Green Restaurant Association is a United States based national non-profit organization that provides certification for restaurants to become more environmentally responsible. The GRA rates existing restaurants and food service operations with points in seven environmental categories. These categories are water efficiency, waste reduction and recycling, sustainable furnishings and building materials, sustainable food, energy, disposables, chemical and pollution reduction.
Several research studies have examined consumers’ consumption behavior toward green restaurant; however, studies adopting theory of planned behavior (Ajzen, 1985) appeared to be scarce. The present study focuses on understanding consumers’ green restaurant consumption behavior with the employment of Planned Behavior (Ajzen, 1985). The primary objective was to establish the reliability and validity of research instrument the will be used in a larger survey of consumers around the Taipei Station Gourmet District Area.