隨著時代的變遷,服務業逐漸受到重視,並成為產業中不可輕忽的力量。由2008年01月至 2011年12月來華住房旅客有13,926,123人次,及截至今年旅館飯店觀光飯店共有70家,籌備興建共有29家。預計未來我們對於從事飯店方面員工將大量的需求。因於服務於觀光國際飯店,有許多國際會議在此舉行及國際人士於此洽公,餐旅業相當重視飯店從業人員的服務經歷及語言能力。但餐旅業的員工待遇普遍偏低,工作時間長,假日時間需要工作,升遷有限、工作內容負荷過重等原因,造成員工流動率逐年增加的情況日趨嚴重。本研究以服務於國際觀光飯店年資三年以上之第一線員工為對象。探討能夠在長期服務於國際觀光旅館員工的社交風格。希望藉此協助業界能夠留下產業人才。
Through time and development, economical contribution from hospitality indus-try has become much more impactful ever. There were up to 13,926,123 visitors who visited Taiwan in record from January 2008 to December of year 2011. Currently, there were 70 international hotels and resorts settling in Taiwan, and 29 in progress. This has definitely increased the need of workforce for this industry. Language skill and experi-ence are essential for employees to advance career, due the specific market segment targeted, international travelers. However several reasons has resulted increasingly high turnover rate recently, such as lower salary, long working hour, duty during holiday season, minimum career advancement opportunity and extensive work stress. This re-search aims to indentify prefer social style for frontline employee to extend their par-ticipation in the industry. This research was conducted by focus group; member of staff who has more than 3 years of experience in operational position.
Questionnaires are distributed for data collection; valid samples of 185 sets have gone through SPSS system for further analysis. It has shown that majority of employees who have up to 3 years of experience in international hotel operation were mainly single female who has bachelor degree and without child. They are mainly under Expressive social style. Although one could not observe any significant co-relation between differ-ent social style and service attitude. However employees with Driver and Expressive social style somehow performance more effectively compare to Amiable.