摘要: | 台灣社會正處於老人國的結構狀態,正逐步往高齡社會去發展,為瞭解老年人之運動休閒需求,本研究探討台灣銀髮族最常進行之太極拳活動進行研究,有關其參與太極拳之休閒動機、休閒涉入及休閒效益進行相關性之研究。研究採問卷調查法,以臺北市及新北市年滿65歲以上、參與太極拳活動之銀髮族進行配額抽樣。並對所蒐集之資料進行統計分析,統計分析方法包括描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關、多元迴歸分析法與卡方分析等。研究結果顯示:(一)年齡、學歷、職業、每月可自由使用金額、經常與誰一起參與、參與資歷、參與平均時間不同,在休閒動機上具有顯著差異。(二)婚姻、職業、每月可自由使用金額、經常與誰一起參與、參與資歷、平均參與時間不同,在休閒涉入上具有顯著差異。(三)職業、每月可自由使用金額、平均參與時間不同,在休閒效益上具有顯著差異。(四)銀髮族參與太極拳休閒動機、涉入與休閒效益具有顯著正相關。表示參與太極拳之老年人的休閒動機、休閒涉入愈高,休閒效益感受程度也愈高。建議政府及相關單位可以多辦理一些太極拳推廣活動,提供互相交流的機會,提升老年人的體能與健康。後續研究可採質性訪談的方式,以補充量化研究題項不夠深入的結果。而未來研究則可針對台灣不同地區進行研究,或以其他年齡族群為抽樣,以驗證本研究結果在其他族群上的適用性。
Taiwan has gradually become a country with high percentage of senior citizens. The leisure needs of senior people are currently the important issues in the leisure studies. This study is aiming to discover the relationship among leisure motivations, leisure involvement levels and leisure benefits in senior Tai-Chi participants. Questionnaires were used to sample senior Tai-Chi participants in Taipei and New-Taipei city. The following statistic methods and tests were used to analyze the collected data: descriptive statistics, student t test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson’s correlation test, multiple regression analysis, and Tai-Chi-square test. The results shown 1) age, education, occupation, monthly disposable income, the most accompanied participants, the length of time for practicing Tai-chi all significantly affect leisure motivations. 2) marriage, occupation, monthly disposable income, the most accompanied participants, the length of time for practicing Tai-Chi, average practicing time all significantly affect leisure involvement levels. 3) occupation, monthly disposable income, average practicing time all significantly affect leisure benefits. 4) There are positively correlation between leisure motivations and leisure involvement levels. This implies the higher the leisure motivations and involvement levels of senior Tai-Chi participants are the higher the leisure benefits of senior Tai-chi participants. More Tai-chi promotion schemes for sports administration authority are recommended to be conducted to improve the healthy condition of senior citizens. The similar studies are recommended to be conducted in different areas or for different age groups of Tai-chi participants. |