工業級連接器需要承受高電流之負荷,而伴隨而來的溫升問題,也開始困擾著連接器廠的工程師。本研究將針對負載30安培之高電流連接器進行溫升分析,但由於連接器並不像一般電子元件(LED、IC等等)皆有標明運作功率,所以需要先進行運作功率之計算,才能進行溫升特性之分析,本研究先以ABAQUS軟件進行電路板之阻抗分析,進而決定出阻抗較小之電路板設計,並用此阻抗代入焦耳定率中計算出運作功率,再將選定之電路板及連接器匯入ICEPAK進行溫升分析,本研究按照EIA-364-70B規範進行溫升測試並將測試結果與模擬分析結果比對,比對後發現兩者溫升結果之差異僅有1.92% ,兩者溫度分佈區域也十分相似,整體溫度分佈亦為連接器左側溫度高於右側溫度,並且為確認實驗數據之正確性,將電路板與連接器一同送至第三方實驗室Underwriters Laboratories進行溫升特性驗證,驗證了分析與實驗結果之精確性。
As the connector industry in transition into the field of automotive electronics and industrial server, connector begin to withstand high current load, which results in temperature up and voltage drop issues and begins to haunt connector factory engineer. Unlike the electronic components (LEDs, IC, etc.) in which the power usually is indicated in specifications, the connector needs to compute the power in order to carry out the temperature rise analysis. This paper will conduct the analysis of temperature rising for the high current connector with 30 amps loading. First, ABAQUS software will be applied to analyze the electrical resistance of circuit board and to carry out the design of circuit board with smaller electrical resistance. Then, the power of the connector can be obtained by the calculated electrical resistance through Joule's Law. Finally, the circuit board and the connector are transmitted into the ICEPAK software for temperature rising simulation. The temperature rising test in accordance with the EIA-364-70B specification is conducted and the test results are compared with simulation results. The result shows the difference of highest temperature rise between the FEA and experimental test is only 1.92%, and the simulated temperature distribution by FEA is similar to the experimental test results. The accuracy of the analysis and the experimental results are validated by the third party laboratory Underwriters Laboratories.