摘要: | 中文摘要
A Study of Teacher Effectiveness for University Dance Teachers
Advisor: Man-Li Wu, Professor
Graduate Student: Ya-Ping Liu
The main objective of this research was to understand the teaching efficacy of dance teacher in the university. Teacher plays very important role in the teaching process and has very strong influence on the learning efficacy of the student. Teaching is the very core part of education task, and it is also very important curriculum for a teacher. Student’s learning result and teacher’s professional capability can be seen from the teaching quality (Tsai-Yin Wang, Pai-Lu Wu, Hsin-Fu Chou, 2004), and it is obvious that teaching activity is the most important part of education. The researcher is doing dancing education job currently, and it was thought that in-depth understanding needs to be started from the teacher effectiveness of the dance teacher, through good dancing teaching activity, it is hoped that the goal of effective learning of the student can be assisted, and the dancing teaching quality can be enhanced.
In this research, quality research method was adopted, through interview, recording, data collection and the assistance of investigation from related literature, the teacher effectiveness that a teacher needs to possess was understood. And the following main results were obtained:
1. If the teacher possesses effective teacher effectiveness in the teaching field, it will be helpful to the enhancement the learning efficacy of the student.
2. Teacher should possess rich teaching enthusiasm and sacrificing spirit to convey the professional knowledge to the student, and the student can then acquire needed professional knowledge and have professional capability enhanced.
3. Good interactive relationship is maintained between teacher and student.
4. Teaching method should fit the demand, interest and level of the learner, that is, the learning should be started from simple to complicated one, gradual accumulation and step-by-step learning is the key.
5.Teacher should use appropriate technique and method to encourage, guide and inspire the learning motive and interest of the student.
6.Teacher should emphasize whether student has significant progress during the learning process and has good learning attitude and behavior.
7. Teacher should have detailed plan and sufficient knowledge so that student’s wrong concept can be corrected at appropriate time, that is, the teacher should assist student in forming correct learning skill and concept.
8. Factors affecting teacher effectiveness of the dance teacher of
Chinese Culture University are: The accumulation of profession-
al literacy and teaching experiences.
9. The main objective of this research is that the researcher could
propose suggestions regarding dancing teaching theory and prac-
tice to be used as reference by administrative department, teacher and student of the school, as well as the future researchers.
Key words: Dance, Dance Teacher in the University, Teacher Effectiveness |