研究目的:探討上肢肌力訓練後對投籃準確度之影響。投籃屬全身多關節動作,難以得知係由局部所影響,故本研究採用坐姿投籃,僅針對上肢肌力作探討。方法:以中國文化大學14名一般組男子籃球代表隊為研究對象,年齡為19.5±1.1歲,身高178.4±6.5公分,體重72.9±10.3公斤。分為實驗組7人與對照組7人,除每日例行訓練外,實驗組再施以上肢專項肌力訓練。兩組在實施六周籃球上肢專項肌力訓練前後分別檢測上肢肌力、坐姿投籃命中率及失投率,以相依樣本t檢定分析比較其差異。檢定顯著水準α= .05。結果:實驗組在接受六週籃球上肢專項肌力訓練後在上肢肌力、坐姿投籃命中率皆達顯著差異(p<.05)而坐姿投籃失投率雖然有進步但未達顯著(p>.05)。無接受訓練之對照組則無顯著差異(p>.05)。
It was difficult to know which parts of body to effect the shooting accuracy, because the shooting was by all the joints of body. This study was based on 6-weeks specific upper limbs strength training of experiment group (n=7) and control group (n=7) who divided from 14 athletes. And the experiment group increased the upper limbs strength training of daily. To compare with the different from upper limbs strength, the shooting accuracy and missing rate of sitting position by t-test. The results showed the upper limbs strength and shooting accuracy was significant (p<.05). The missing rate was not significant (p>.05). The control group showed was not significant (p>.05).