目地:探討我國網球選手盧彥勳參加2008北京奧運網球比賽中整體、保發球局及破發球局中各項得分技術,包括:發球、接發球、截擊及底線擊球和相關變項,包括: Aces 率、雙發失誤率、一發贏球率、二發贏球率、一發接發球贏球率、二發接發球贏球率之情形。方法:以2008年北京奧林匹克網球運動會中華台北男子選手盧彥勳為研究對象,經Excel資料統整分別以描述統計的方式呈現各項得分技術與相關變項的情形。 結果:雖然獲勝與落敗選手在整體、保發球局及接發球局中的各項得分比率之排列皆相同,但在相關變項中獲勝選手在一發進球率、二發進球率、一發發球贏球率、二發接發球贏球率皆有較高於落敗選手的現象。結論:在本研究的分析中,發球局擁有較高的第一發球進球率及第一發球得分率是影響比賽結果的重要關鍵因素。建議:建議盧彥勳在發球局時,增加發球的質量與角度,並加強底線的侵略性,以提升各項技術表現。
Purpose: The purpose of this thesis was to analyze tennis skill performance of Mr. Lu Yen- Shun during 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. The performed skills variables were analyzed including, serve, serve return, volley and ground strokes and the related variables of winning points, including percentage of aces, double faults, winning percentage of first serve and second serve, winning percentage of first serve return and second serve return. Methods: Descriptive statistics was used to analyze the variables of tennis skills and related variables of winning points. Results: Results showed that there were no differences of winning variables between winning players and losing players, the related variables in percentage of aces and double faults, winning percentage of first serve and second serve, winning percentage of first serve return and second serve return were higher for winning players than losing players . Conclusion: The analysis of this study showed that higher first serve successful rate and first serve winning rate were the key factors of match that would affect the skill performance during the match. Suggestions: Lu Yen-Shun may promote quality of serve, the increase of the aggression of the ground strokes is essential to enhance the overall performance.