摘要: | 在近年來,由於整體無線網路技術的成熟與硬體開發能力的精進,智慧型手機與平板電腦已逐漸取代傳統手機、PDA及筆記型電腦的地位。本研究將此類型手持行動裝置,以科技接受模型理論為研究架構依據,以高中學生、大學學生及社會人士三種不同身份為族群,並以男性、女性的不同共分為六種對象,來探討資訊素養的能力是否會對使用行動裝置的知覺有用性及知覺易用行有所正向影響。再從實際使用行為中,將使用行為分為本研究分類的四種應用功能,探討在模型內資訊素養、知覺有用、知覺易用、使用意圖及實際使用行為之間的相關聯及影響。
In recent years, due to the maturity of the overall wireless network technology and hardware development capabilities, sophisticated, smart phones and tablet PCs have gradually replaced the traditional mobile phone, PDA and notebook computer's status. In this study, this type of handheld mobile devices, technology acceptance model theo-retical framework for studying the basis of the ethnic groups of high school students, university students and the community three different identities, and is divided into six different men, women object to explore the ability of information literacy will use mo-bile devices perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use of line has been a positive influence From the behavior of the actual use of, the use of behavior is divided into four applications for the classification of the study, to investigate the information literacy model, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, associated with and influence be-tween intention and actual usage behavior.
The results showed that the user identity will affect their information literacy; lit-eracy level of ability, it only affects their cognitive ease of use of mobile devices; with-out affecting the usefulness of cognitive mobile device. The identity of the subjects will have positive impact on the mobile device useful; However, due to the simplicity of the mobile device interface, making the identity of users, more than could identify with the ease of use of mobile devices.
In this study, expectations related industries can understand the awareness of con-sumers on mobile devices, based on quantitative analysis, I learned that consumers ex-pect to have more easy to use mobile devices, will be able to increase consumer will-ingness to use, thereby affecting their consumption wishes. |