CMMI 近年來逐漸受到一些軟體組織的採用,但在國內產業,多數組織為中小型產業來看,仍然有許多軟體開發廠商因為導入的成本太高而不敢行動,而其成本大部分在於流程的改造與文件的建立,但是其持續改善之精神仍是值得遵循的。本研究以CMMI 連續式的執行實務為基礎,考量國內目前軟體產業發展及中小型軟體組織發展適性化軟體發展過程,建立一專家系統,然後依此建構軟體發展過程模型作為自我評鑑的工具,提供中小型軟體組織可依其輸入因素變數,彈性取得建議之最佳執行實務(Practices),以作為中小型軟體組織在進行軟體發展過程改善之參考。希望提供無導入CMMI 評鑑的預算之台灣中小軟體業者,可導入CMMI 之實務,以提昇其於新知識時代的競爭力。
The CMMI(Capability Maturity Model Integration) is most popular software process improvement model. The most frequent reasons given by organizations do not adopt CMMI were: the services were too costly, the organization was small; the organization had no time. Overall, we found small organizations not adopting CMMI tend to say that adopting it would be infeasible. The other new software methodology : Agile, is more rapidly, flexibility. That CMMI and Agile work toward deriving benefit from using both and exploit synergies that have to dramatically improve development performance. This is shown that suggestion models the productivity effect of integrated CASE tools by factoring out the learning costs so that managers can use model results to estimate future projects with process improvement.