摘要: | 人力素質的提昇與培育向來均是世界各國的核心工程,也是軍隊永續發展的基礎,也唯有具備「高素質」與「專業」的人員,武器裝備才能發揮最大效能。國防部在近年來推動募兵政策上,分別藉由電子、平面廣告、營區開放等作為來提升與增進閱聽眾對國軍的認知及提高報考意願。本研究主要以高中學生為研究對象,選定32位學生,分成四組進行焦點團體,並選取4名資深媒體人進行深度訪談,全文採用內容分析法、焦點團體、深度訪談等,探討國軍招募廣告之效果。
Enhance the quality of manpower and nurture has always been the basis of sustainable development is also the armed forces. On to promote military recruitment policy in recent years, the Department of Defense, respectively, by electronic, print ads, the camp open as to enhance enhance audiences Guojun cognitive and improve the candidates wishes. In this study, mainly high school students as the object of study, using the method of content analysis,focus groups, depth interviews to try to investigate the effect of Guojun recruitment advertising, get the following several important findings:
First, Advertising content analysis: during 1988-2010years of military personnel recruitment advertising at different times, its focus is different in the ad has become more diverse forms of media advertising is still largely based, print ads for the auxiliary.
Second, the focus group results: the shape of professionalism in recruitment ads, jobs, the military aspects of the human environment, international image, spiritual beliefs and other basic military image, print ads and video ads in between the dissemination of results showing a different dynamic to the image ads better than static print ads.
Third, in-depth interviews: Select print recruitment advertising better, that poor voice system, the use of reason in the recruitment advertising, simple the best advertising content, the effectiveness of military recruitment advertising image from the expression of the national army, demand channel, type, etc. to demonstrate its effectiveness. At different ages, different environment, recruitment advertising has shown different results. Recruitment advertising in the effect of factors, gender is the main factor. Advertising elements adding some pigment is relatively easy to stimulate the propagation effects. |