摘要: | 舊濁水溪流域範圍內,主要有溪湖鎮、北斗鎮兩主要城市和零星工廠,為農牧重點區域,在治水規畫水源截流後,水量不足,隨著都市發展,人口增加,糧食供緊,興建灌溉渠道、排水路、畜牧場、工廠、住宅等等,造成河川污染濃度增加、水質惡化。本研究藉由不同人工溼地空間選址淨化河川水質,找出合適設置人工溼地位置,處理受污染的河水,以降低舊濁水溪水質污染程度。利用公有地資料分析人工溼地低成本可行性地點,建立水質淨化演算公式,配合豬隻資料推估污染量及氣候與水文資料推估流量,計算河川污染程度;建立河段污染量模組,計算舊濁水溪主流各河段污染程度。推導人工溼地面積與水質淨化程度相關公式,作為配置面積與水質淨化效果基礎模組,嵌入在河段污染量模組中,利用公有地籍與地形及其他基礎資料,在GIS上作人工溼地空間選址分析,如河灘人工溼地分析、支流攔截人工溼地分析及生活污水處理廠分析,搭配河段污染量模組及水質淨化模組,計算出各種可能之人工溼地選址組合對河川作除污量推算。
In this study, the use of public lands data analysis of artificial wetlands to identify
low-cost feasibility of sites for establish water purification calculus formula, pigs data
to estimate the amount of pollution and climate and hydrological data to estimate
flow. Consider watershed transport coefficients to calculate the extent of river pollution, water pollution measurement data for nuclear calculus formula, as river
pollution load calculation basis, the establishment of river pollution load module,
and calculation Jioujhuoshuei mainstream river pollution levels. The derivation of artificial wetland area and the degree of water purification formula, as the
configuration area of water quality purification effect of base module, embedded in
the river pollution load module. Public cadastral and topographic and other basic information in the GIS space allocation analysis of artificial wetlands, such as the key strategy point of configuration from the river distanceconfiguration and the
configuration of the maximumdecontamination volume,with river pollution load
module and water purification modules, calculate all possible artificial wetlands
configuration on the river for the decontamination and the amount of projected and the use of artificial wetland area and maintenance costs formula constructed wetland
configuration of water purification effectiveness evaluation.
Constructed wetland in the flood, the water quality of the Jioujhuoshuei River purification simulation analysis can not improve the moderate degree of water pollution due to insufficient decontamination, water quality improvement, it needs to overall tributary waters of the tributaries to intercept artificial wetland plan, strengthen the blocking feature of the amount of pollution the water purification area is expanding and stretching the length in order to improve the plant to purify the contact area with time, through the support row intercept artificial wetlands can be 50% of the river by the moderate pollution levels reduced to below the mild degree of pollution in sewage treatment plants set so that 65% of river water quality drops below the mild degree of pollution, there are still 35% of river water quality is difficult to improve, mostly concentrated in the upper reaches of The reason for the upstream water, sewage and livestock waste is more concentrated in the upper reaches of the basin, plus the development of intensive, can be applied to a constructed wetland space is limited, so the constructed wetland site under different conditions, different strategies for planning, artificial wetland pollution in the tributaries of planning tributaries to intercept intercept in the lower reaches of the high points of the concentration of water pollution configuration flood of artificial wetlands have better pollution removal, to purify the more the amount of pollution.
Kashima Bridge Haifeng Lun tributary of high pollution in the river of the Kashima bridge downstream chihu near the bridge plan 1 hectare constructed wetland to reduce the amount of pollution in10kg/day design goals, in conjunction with environmental education facilities to doplace for environmental education. |