本研究目的主要在探討高、低程度下的產品涉入對母品牌態度與聯合品牌態度關係之干擾效果。本研究採用實驗法,以鮮果汁運動飲料與即時分享相機作為虛擬聯合品牌產品。研究程序分為預試和正式實驗兩階段,預試目的在篩選出正式實驗所需之母品牌(3個鮮果汁品牌及3個運動飲料品牌/3個相機品牌及3個行動技術品牌)及聯合品牌產品(鮮果汁運動飲料/即時分享相機),預試回收有效樣本為50人。正式實驗階段,研究對象以國內大學生為主,採用3(鮮果汁品牌/運動飲料品牌)×3(相機品牌/行動技術品牌)×2(產品涉入:高/低) 的組間因子設計,共計18種實驗方格,每一實驗方格樣本數各為30人,共計540人。研究結果顯示,在聯合品牌策略上,母品牌態度會正向影響聯合品牌態度,而不同程度的產品涉入會干擾母品牌態度與聯合品牌態度,即相較於面對高涉入的聯合品牌產品時,消費者在面對低涉入的聯合品牌產品,母品牌態度更能正向影響聯合品牌態度。本研究討論研究發現在理論及管理實務上的意涵,同時對於未來的研究方向提出建議。
The main purpose of this study is to examine the moderating effect of product involvement on the relationship between attitude toward the parent brand and attitude toward the co-brand. The study used the experiment research including a pretest and fi-nal experiment, and fictitious sports drink of fresh juice/on line share camera as the co-brand product. The purpose of pretest is to select core brands and co-brand product. The experiment was 3(fresh brands)×3(sports drink brands)/3(on line technology)×3(camera brands) between-subjects factor design. Each experimental treatment of be-tween-subjects factor design was assigned to 30 college students. The data was provided 540 students. The result reveals that attitude toward the parent brand positively affects attitude toward the co-brand. Moreover, the personal characteristics such as product in-volvement moderate the above mentioned relationship. Compare to consumer with low-er product involvement, attitude toward the parent brand more positively affects attitude toward the co-brand for the consumer with higher product involvement. This study dis-cusses the implication for the theory and practices, and for the future study.