摘要: | 台灣近年危機不斷,災難頻仍,儘管政府部門投入可觀人力、物力、財力從事災害防救,仍屢因救援不得要領、處置不當,甚至束手無策,而備受指責。每年的天災人禍致使人民生命與財產遭受難以數計的損失,政府部門如何有效管理各型危機與緊急災變,業已成為急迫且必須正視的課題。
台灣地區的非營利組織在解嚴後,有快速發展的趨勢,不管是宗教團體、社福團體或是特殊利益團體均紛紛成立,在許多熱心的成員支持下,這些非營利組織獲得充沛的財力和人和助力,對社會大眾的貢獻極大,有些組織更積極倡導公共政策,促使政府正視社會變化, 甚至加以立法,扮演政府的監督者,也獲得民眾的肯定和支持。尤其在九二一震災後,透過這些非營利組織的運作,釋放出鉅大的民間力量,投入救災及復建工作,其工作表現甚至超過政府的行動。
Taiwan's growing number of crises, disasters and frequence government departments invested considerable human and material resources, financial resources involved in disaster prevention and relief, and still record the relief to no avail, improper disposal, and even helpless, but has been criticized. Per year of natural disasters, Acts of countless people's lives and property damage, government departments how to effectively manage the various types of crisis and emergency disaster, has become urgent and must look squarely at issue.
All-people defense mobilization preparation was originally the Department in
response to the outbreak of war, the establishment of a mobilization of the preparatory work of the National resources to support operations. Defense Mobilization in the past put a heavier emphasis on military-oriented, emphasizing the mobilization in order to meet the defense needs of the military, the country's human, material and financial resources from a peacetime state to the wartime state, and national strength to do the
most effective play. "But in order to the connotation of national security and the threat of change, and China may face emergency incidents or major disaster caused by man-made and natural factors, the purpose of defense and mobilization in response to expand to cover the emergency Incident and Major disaster.
Non-profit organization in Taiwan after the lifting of martial law, the trend of rapid growth, regardless of religious groups, social welfare organizations or the development trend, regardless of religious groups, social welfare groups or special interest groups have been established in a number of enthusiastic members to support these non-profit organizations to get plenty of financial resources and help, making an important contribution to community, some organizations more actively promote public policy, prompting the government to face up to social change, even to the legislative play the watchdogs of government, but also people's recognition and support. Especially during
Chi Chen disaster, through the operation of these non-profit organizations, the release of huge non-governmental forces, investment in disaster relief and reconstruction work, their performance even more than the government's actions. |