摘要: | 本文主要是以臺灣在2009年8月初發生的八八風災做為研究對象,並將我國非政府組織於風災期間,參與人道救援期程中之災區緊急救援、災民臨時安置與心靈撫慰、災後之復原重建經驗,佐以SWOT分析與探討。八八風災是繼八七水災與九二一地震過後,臺灣所遇到最為嚴重的一次天然災害,因此透過本次風災,最能檢視非政府組織參與人道救援過程之優缺點。
This article is mainly 88 wind-caused disasters which occurs at the beginning of August, 2009 take Taiwan as the object of study from now on, our country Non-governmental organizations in wind-caused disaster period, after participation in humanitarian relief operations time regulate the disaster emergency area rescue service, the disaster victims was give temporary relief and comforted, the restoration reconstruction experience, assisted by the SWOT analysis and the discussion of the 88 wind-caused disasters followed by the 87 floods with 921 earthquakes, Taiwan will come across a more similar serious natural disaster therefore, penetrate this wind-caused disaster, can mostly inspect good and bad points of the Non-governmental organizations participation humanitarian relief operations process.
Speaking of the Non-governmental organizations, the result of the final research, hope that the United Nations and the overseas advanced countries experience the literature material in the disaster and humanitarian relief operations. The next discussion of the Domestic Non-governmental organizations participates in 88 wind-caused disaster humanitarian relief operations process, whether there is to encounter the mechanism, the difficult position, or may supply experience and the pattern the other Non-governmental organizations duplication, the research suggests like:(1)the Government department should entrust by the Non-governmental organizations construction disaster situation reporting chain,(2) Government departments should establish with the Non-governmental organizations in the humanitarian relief operations motion unification window,(3)Non-governmental organizations should still have the limit in the humanitarian relief operations process,(4)Non-governmental organizations in humanitarian relief operations when should the integration resources display synthesis effect,(5)strengthen the Non-governmental organizations volunteers to train. |