摘要: | 摘要
巴瑞克‧歐巴馬( Barack Hussein Obama )於其親自撰寫《無畏的希望》(The Audacity of Hope)一書序言中提及
我的理念、價值觀,與《紐約時報》(The New York Times) 社論篇幅(The Editorial Pages)
公元2008年美國總統大選期間,由小亞瑟‧奧克斯‧莎資伯格(Arthur Ochs Sulzberger Jr.)擔任發行人的《紐約時報》(The New York Times)報業媒體集團,對美國民主黨非裔美人總統候選人巴瑞克‧歐巴馬( Barack Hussein Obama )所持之立場為何?值得深究!因此,代表《紐約時報》(The New York Times) 報業媒體集團核心立場-社論部門(Editorial Departments)之觀點,重要性不言而喻。
此外,自公元2007年1月8日起,安德魯‧羅森紹(Andrew Rosenthal)擔任《紐約時報》(The New York Times)社論部門(Editorial Departments)監督以及編輯委員會(Editorial Broad)總主編時,與此同時,《紐約時報》(The New York Times)報業媒體集團已從”印刷媒體”轉型為”數位多媒體”新聞態樣。因新興數位媒體(New Digital Medias)-網際網路興起,於“媒體民主化”(the Democratization of Media)時代,《紐約時報》(The New York Times) 報業媒體集團包括由17位各領域專家組成之編輯委員會( Editorial Board)(附錄(一))、外部專欄作者 (Op-Ed Columnist)、讀者來函與外部作者(Letters and Op-Ed Contributor)---等三部門構成-統稱為社論部門(Editorial Departments)之立場,值得細究。尤其,於公元2008年美國總統大選期間,對非裔美人巴瑞克‧歐巴馬( Barack Hussein Obama)所持之立場為何?為本論文最核心部份。
從公元2007年2月10日美國聯邦參議員巴瑞克‧歐巴馬( Barack Hussein Obama),正式宣佈參選公元2008年美國總統大選起,至公元2009年1月20日止。《紐約時報》(The New York Times)報業媒體集團之社論部門(Editorial Departments)撰文與巴瑞克‧歐巴馬(Barack Hussein Obama)有關新聞文章總計1,585篇。且因,編輯委員會(Editorial Board)代表《紐約時報》(The New York Times)報業媒體集團強烈立場,因此,如附錄(二)所示,本研究蒐集編輯委員會(Editorial Board)撰文與巴瑞克‧歐巴馬(Barack Hussein Obama)有關之新聞文章共計292篇。本研究詳加分析其中13篇文章,其內容皆希望巴瑞克‧歐巴馬( Barack Hussein Obama )能詳加說明美國目前所面臨問題,並提出解決問題之方法。
當其時,美國正經歷自公元1930年代經濟大蕭條以來經濟危機。此外,編輯委員會(Editorial Broad)撰文著重全國觀點、全球視野,環繞美國理想(the Idea of America)、美國夢(American Dream)核心價值。此點與巴瑞克‧歐巴馬( Barack Hussein Obama)觀點一致。兩者皆尊重民主、自由、法治(the rule of law)、個人權利、皆相信政府權力應受憲法限制之立憲政府,除此之外,皆崇尚美國基本價值美國夢。 不過,縱使於因新興數位媒體(New Digital Medias)興起,”媒體民主化” (The Democratization of Media)時代。由小亞瑟‧奧克斯‧莎資伯格(Arthur Ochs Sulzberger Jr.)領導之《紐約時報》(The New York Times)報業媒體集團,將印刷媒體蛻變成數位多媒體網際網路新聞時代。於公元2008年美國總統大選期間,其新聞從業人員,依然須受到《新聞從業人員倫理,2004》(Ethical Journalism, 2004)手冊所規範。均須維持長久以來所建立的公正(Impartial)、真實(Accuracy)、正直(Integrity)、中立(Neutrality)立場。
那麼,於公元2008年美國總統大選期間,對美國總統大選候選人非裔美人巴瑞克‧歐巴馬(Barack Hussein Obama)所持立場為何?此點從公元2008年美國總統大選最後階段,其編輯委員會(Editorial Board) 成員聚集起來投票表決,以編輯委員會(Editorial Board)名義,代表《紐約時報》(The New York Times)報業媒體集團支持巴瑞克‧歐巴馬( Barack Hussein Obama)為美國總統即可視出。
Barack Hussein Obama, as a writer of Dreams from My Father and The Audacity of Hope, in his book especially in the prologue of The Audacity of Hope expressed it his views of things corresponded more closely to the Opinion of The New York Times .
Meanwhile, Arthur Ochs Sulzberger Jr. had led〈The New York Times Company〉and as a publisher of The New York Times for over decade. In the 2008 Presidential Campaign of the United States, the viewpoints of Arthur Ochs Sulzberger Jr. and The New York Times to the African-American Presidential Candidate-Barack Hussein Obama deserved us pay more attention to it, however, the Editorial Departments of The New York Times stand for The New York Times, so that they deserved us pay more attention too.
Since January 8, 2007, Andrew Rosenthal as a supervisor of the Editorial Departments and as an Editor of Editorial Broad, and the Editorial Departments of The New York Times consist of the Department of Editorial Broad, the Department of Op-Ed Columnist, and the Department of Letters and Op-Ed Contributor. due to the rise of New Digital Medias The New York Times had transferred it’s Print News into Multiply Media-Internet News. Meanwhile, in the era of Democratization of Media, the viewpoints of the Editorial Departments of The New York Times to the Democratic Party Presidential Candidate-Barack Hussein Obama. is the core value of my thesis to academic.
I had analyzed the news of the Editorial Board of The New York Times for 13 out of 292 articles ,and the Editorial Departments of The New York Times reported to Presidential Candidate-Barack Hussein Obama for 1,585 articles date from February 10, 2007, to January 20, 2009. In general, they suggested Barack Hussein Obama explained clearly about the problems of the United of States of American had faced and how to solve these problems.
Due to the economic crisis since the 1930s Great Depression, However, the articles of Editorial Board of The New York Times more emphasizes the standpoints of National, the prospects of global, the Idea of America, American Dream--- so on. As mention above in the prologue of The Audacity of Hope Barack Hussein Obama expressed it his views of things corresponded more closely to the Opinion of The New York Times. in other words, they all respected Democracy, Freedom, the rule of law, individual rights, and limited government, they all respected the Idea of America, American Dream. but, the staffs of The New York Times need to accordance with the Ethical Journalism, 2004 in order to maintain the reputation of Impartial, Accuracy, Integrity, Neutrality of The New York Times in the era of Democratization of Media due to the rise of New Digital Medias.
On October 23, 2008, the Editorial Board of The New York Times met together to endorse Barack Hussein Obama as the 44th president of the United States. So that, The New York Times show Impartial, Accuracy, Integrity, Neutrality to the Democratic Party Presidential Candidate-Barack Hussein Obama. |