摘要: | 建築物是指固著於地面,具有支承及遮蓋用途的構造物,人類藉著興建各種建築物,提供社會運作的空間或機能需求。往往都具備人能居住和活動的穩定空間,所以必然包含結構與設備兩大部分,台灣建築長久以來雖然施工品質及技術不斷進步,但建築設計始終停滯不前,結構與設備之介面關係少有新觀念,水電、消防等設備其垂直向已逐漸集中留設於管道間中,但是各層設備之水平向目前設計施工不是埋設於結構體中,便是留設在樓板下與天花板間,由於結構體與各項設備之生命週期不同,便造成許多維護上的問題,又因為若留設在樓板下與天花板間屬下一層的使用空間,又延伸出使用權的問題。
Building refers to structures fixed to the ground, which has support and cover purposes. Humans provide space for social functions and requirement needs through all types of buildings. These tend to have stable space for people’s living and activities, so it must contain two major structures and facilities. Taiwan architecture has a long history of improving construction quality and technique, but architectural design has always been stagnant. The interface relationship between structure and equipment rarely has new ideas, and utilities, fire-fighting piping, and other equipment, etc. vertical direction has been gradually concentrated in the piping. However, each level’s horizontal layers of facility are not designed to be buried in the structure body at present, but instead, placed between the floor and the ceiling. Due to the different life cycle of the structure and facility equipment, many maintenance problems have been created. And if the equipment is located between the floor and the ceiling belonging to the living space of the level below; this can result in user rights problems.
Regardless of right of user space or the structure behavior of the structure, all types of equipment facility, whether vertical or horizontal, should not be buried in the structure or set in other people’s using space. This paper uses doctrine, related law decrees, functions, and sales market operating methods to conduct an investigative analysis regarding collective residence bathroom facilities’ sewage drainage equipment. We hope we can provide future developers or user with an understanding of collective residence bathroom facilities’ sewage drainage set up. Maybe even the feasibility of other types of equipment piping being independent of the structure, changing the traditional concept of structure and equipment configuration and set it in others user space. This allows the structure to provide an independent user space, and not repeatedly use the same space as the piping, giving the user a whole new concept of volume.
Based on the above description, this document has a total of five chapters, twenty-one sections. The summary of each chapter outline is as follows:
Chapter I is the introduction. First, it gathers all the residential bathroom sewage drainage equipment setup problems, continuing on to study motivation and purpose, scope and content of this study, research procedures, methods and processes, etc.
Chapter II is the literature contribution review. It reviews the Building Act, Building Technology Code and other related laws and equipment theory, gathers residential bathroom sewage drain equipment setup concepts and scholars, expert studies, and discuss in three parts.
Chapter III first establishes empirical area survey framework and research project plan, then continues with questionnaire design and survey, current status investigation, interviews and questionnaires data organization, then final summary.
Chapter IV is topic and countermeasures. First, collect the residential bathroom sewage drainage equipment set up survey’s cross-analysis, then discuss the results and propose topics and related countermeasures.
Chapter V is conclusion and recommendations. Through the conclusions obtained in this study’s discourse, we raise related suggestions and provide follow-up study recommendations. |