中重度智能障礙者常併有多重活動功能障礙,需要專業照護系統予以協助。提供身心障礙者於機構住宿安置服務,是減輕家屬照顧困難、實際保障身心障礙者權益的具體作法。中重度智能障礙者住宿型安置機構是否提供了適切的服務,家屬對住宿安置機構服務的期待及實際滿意度如何,是可能檢視比較此種類型機構服務功能的參考指標。本研究以臺北市安置於住宿型機構中重度智能障礙者的125位家長為研究對象,藉由交叉分析、比對,探討個別差異化的家屬在經濟支持、教育與技能訓練、醫療資源、住宿安養及社會網絡支持等面向,各種變項的關係及影響情形。 研究發現,個別差異化中重度智能障礙者家屬對住宿型安置機構服務的需求及滿意度有顯著性差異,住宿型安置機構服務福利需求與滿意度有顯著相關,因受家屬個別主觀因素影響未必能經由個別差異背景有效預測其服務需求及滿意度。 根據研究的發現,提出強化中重度智能障礙者住宿型安置機構服務系統功能的建議,期望經由制定政策、強化機構服務功能及強化家屬的責任心與參與程度,有效提升住宿型機構對中重度智能障礙者服務功能。
The moderate to severe mental retardation often have other dysfunction of multiple activities need care system help. Providing accommodation placement services reduce family care difficulties that practical safeguard the interests of disabled. Does the institution provides appropriate services? On institution services the actual satisfaction of family members may be able to view this type of institution‘s services reference pointers. This study for 125 parents that their family member placement in Taipei accommodation institution of moderate or severe mental retardation. This study uses cross-analysis and comparison to study the individual differences, parents form different family, in financial support to the families, education and skills training, health care resources, residential support, and social networking support staring at a different face. Show out the relationships of the various variables and effects. This study found that Individual differences of moderate or severe mental retardation of the victims for residential placement institution service demands and satisfaction there is significant difference,
accommodation placement institution services welfare needs and satisfaction there is significant, because of family background of individual subjective factors may not be through individual differences effective demand forecasting its service and satisfaction. And according to the reference found in the study of proposals to strengthen the service function of the system. Pray through policy development, Institutional strengthening service functions and strengthen the sense of responsibility and participation of families, effective upgrading accommodation institution for moderate or severe mental retardation services features