摘要: | 摘要
本研究以新北市立溪崑國中七、八、九年級之學生為研究對象,採混合方法研究設計,首先以立意取樣進行個案訪談,共訪談6位學生個案,接著再以分層隨機抽樣的方式進行問卷調查,共獲得724 份有效資料。所使用的研究工具包含「半結構式個案訪談問卷」、「個中背景資料調查表」、「網路使用行為調查表」、「家庭教養方式調查表」及「網路沈迷調查表」等四份量表。本研究之質性資料處理是以逐字稿編碼進行訪談文本分析,量化資料則是以平均數、標準差、單因子變異數分析、t考驗、雙因子變異數分析、點二系列相關、積差相關、多元階層迴歸、結構方程模式關係檢定等方式進行分析。本研究依據研究目的,提出以本校學生為例之相關結論。壹、網路使用行為、家庭教養方式與網路沈迷行為之現況:每個家庭擁有電腦比例已達98.5%, 學生網路年資約在五至七年間,約有1/3學生天天上網,有15%每週上網時數超過21小時以上,有50%每次使用網路時間在1至2小時之間。學生最常上網地點是在家中,其中家庭教養方式為忽視冷漠方式者網路沈迷分數最高。網路使用目的以娛樂性質及社群互動網站為最多,目前網路沈迷情況是屬於中間偏低的程度。貳、網路使用行為、家庭教養方式與網路沈迷之之差異:學生網路使用年資、每週平均上網天數與最常上網地點,皆因家中擁有電腦情境之不同而有顯著差異。家庭教養方式,因年級、家庭型態、照顧者教育程度、家中擁有電腦不同而有顯著差異。男生的網路沈迷現象顯著的高於女生,九年級學生網路沈迷比七年級、八年級為高。不同家庭型態學生在網路沈迷上沒有顯著的差異,但是主要照顧者教育程度為國中以下者比大專以上者皆為高,且家中擁有自己專用電腦者比家中共用電腦者高。性別、年級、家庭型態與照顧者教育程度在網路沈迷上無交互作用,但是家庭型態與家中擁有電腦在網路沈迷上有交互作用。參、網路使用行為、家庭教養方式與國中生網路沈迷之相關:學生的性別、年級與網路沈迷達顯著相關,網路行為與網路沈迷達顯著相關,家庭教養方式與網路沈迷達顯著相關。肆、網路使用行為、家庭教養方式對網路沈迷達具有預測力:階層迴歸模式預測力雖然不高但作用顯著。伍、網路使用行為、家庭教養方式與網路沈迷之結構模式:國中生網路使用行為、家庭教養方式與網路沈迷的關係模式成立,網路使用行為透過家庭教養方式的中介效果對網路沈迷產生影響。
The research took the students of New Taipei Municipal Xi Kun Junior High School as an object of study and adopted mixed research methods. To begin with, Judgment sampling method was used to conduct six case interviews; then delaminated random sampling method was chosen to implement the questionnaires and obtain 724 valid data. Instruments used in the study included semi-structured interview questionnaires, personal background information scale, internet usage behavior scale, parenting styles scale, and internet addition scale. By verbatim text coding, the interview content of Qualitative data was analyzed. Quantitative data were analyzed by mean, standard deviation, single-factor analysis of variance, t test, two-way analysis of variance, point-biserial correlation, Pearson correlation, multiple hierarchical regression, and(SEM),Structural Equation Modeling. The study was based on the purpose of the research and drew related conclusions by the samples of Xi-Kun junior high school. First, the research grasped on the status quo of Net-behavior, parenting styles and internet addiction. The proportion of the computer possession of each family reached 98.5 percent. Students had the experience of surfing the Net for about five to seven years. Around one third of the students used the internet every day. Fifteen percent of the students surf the Net for over 21hours per week. Fifty percent of the students used the Net for 1to 2 hours at a time. The place where they surf the Net most was their home. Those families that were Neglecting got the highest scores of internet addition. Mostly, the students’ purposes of using the Net were for recreation and facebook. For the time being, the situation of internet addition belonged to the degree between middle and low. Second, the research analyzed the divergence of Net-behavior, parenting styles and internet addiction. Under different circumstances of having computers in each family, the students’ experience of surfing the Net, the place where they surfed the Net most, and the average days of surfing the Net per week were significantly different. Parenting styles of the family were significantly different because of the differences of education degree of the caretakers, students’ age, types of the family, and the ownership of the computer. The internet addiction phenomenon of male students was more significant than that of female students. The internet addition of the ninth grade students was higher than that of the eighth and seventh grade students. Students from different types of the family had no significant differences in internet addition; however, children whose main caretakers’ level of education was under high school were more addicted to internet than those whose main caretakers’ level of education was above bachelor’s degree, and those having his or her own computer were more addicted to internet than those who had to share the computer with the other family members. Gender, grade, types of the family, and caretakers’ level of education of the children had no interaction with internet addiction; nevertheless, types of the family and possessing domestic computers of the children had interaction with internet addition. Third, the research discussed the relevance among Net-behavior, parenting styles and internet addiction. There was significant correlation between Gender, and grade of the students and internet addiction. Net-behavior and internet addiction were significantly interrelated. Parenting styles and internet addiction were significantly interrelated. Fourth, the research interpreted the prediction of Net-behavior and parenting styles to internet addition. The parenting styles and Net-behavior of junior high school students could significantly predict internet addiction. Though the prediction of hierarchical regression was unbusinesslike, effectiveness was significant. Different background variances, Net-behavior and Parenting styles were interrelated with internet addiction of junior high school students. Fifth, the research comprehended out the structural model of Net-behavior, parenting styles and internet addiction. The model of Net-behavior, parenting styles of junior high school students and internet addiction was tenable. Parenting style could affect the quality of internet addiction. |