Marketing Strategy Cognitive and Marketing Performance of Preschool Principals
- private Preschools in New Taipei City
The goal of this search is to understand the person situation of marketing strategies and marketing performance of Preschool principals in new Taipei City.Furthermore,this research surveyed various background preschool principals and tried to explore the correlation between their awareness and real situation of marketing strategy and marketing performance.This survey mothod is applied completely census the way,recycling a total of 380 valid questionnaires were. In this research several statistical features are applied to illustrate the data.This analysis method includes:Descriptive Statistics,T-test,One-way Analysis of Variance (one-way ANOVA),Pearson Product-moment Correlation Analysis.
The results are shown below:
1.Among the overall perception of the Marketing Strategy of preschool principles in New Taipei City, Place strategy was been recognized as the most significant variables.
2.Among the perception of the Marketing Performance of preschool principles in New Taipei City, customer satisfaction was been recognized as the most significant variables.
3.Perception of Marketing Strategy of preschool principles whose seniority is among 11 to 20 or more than 21, will be higher than those is less than 10 years.
4.Perception of Product and Place Strategy of preschool principles Garden whose size is less than 50 or more than 151, will be higher than those is among 101 to 150 people.
5.Perception of Marketing Strategy of preschool principles whose educational degree is above bachelor degree, will be higher than those is below.
6.Perception of Marketing Performance of preschool principles whose educational degree is above junior college degree, will be higher than those is below.
7.Perception of Marketing Performance of preschool principles whose seniority is among 11 to 20 or more than 21, will be higher than those is less than 10 years.
8.Perception of Marketing Performance of preschool principles Garden whose size is more than 151, will be higher than those is less than 50 people.
9.There is a positive correlationships between Marketing strategy and Marketing Performance are highly correlation for preschool principals in New Taipei City.