摘要: | 中文摘要:
本研究旨在探討自閉兒照顧者之壓力因應與休閒阻礙之關係,採用問卷調查法,以照顧自閉兒( 18歲以下)之照顧者為研究對象,藉由自編問卷填答及統計分析結果,進一步瞭解自閉症照顧者之壓力因應與休閒阻礙之間的關係。
一、個人背景變項上包括:自閉兒照顧者之性別、年齡 、教育程度、婚姻狀況 、職業類別、宗教信仰 、家庭型態 、家庭每月總收入,自閉兒的基本資料:目前育有子女數 、年齡別、出生次序、障礙等級、性別,填問卷者,自閉兒的主要照顧者。
三、自閉兒照顧者壓力因應與休閒阻礙之相關分析:壓力因應(各層面與整體)與休閒阻礙的「人際阻礙」、「個人阻礙」及「整體休閒阻礙」皆有顯著的負相關(p > .05)。
A Study on Stress Adaptation and Leisure Constraint Relationship of Autism Children's Caregivers. The questionnaire survey method was adopted. With the caregivers of autistic children (under 18 years of age) as the research subjects, the self-compiled questionnaires were filled out and the statistical results were analyzed to further determining the relationship between the stress responses and leisure constraints of the caregivers of autistic children
Research Questions:
I. What are the basic variables of the caregivers of autistic children and autistic children?
II. Are there differences in the “stress responses” of the caregivers of autistic children under the different variables?
III. Are there differences in the “leisure constraints” of the caregivers of autistic children under the different variables?
IV. What is the relationship between the “stress responses” and “leisure constraints” of the different caregivers of autistic children?
1. The background variables of each individual: the gender, age, educational level, marital status, occupation category, religion, family type, and total monthly family income of the caregivers of autistic children; the basic information of the autistic children: current number of children, age, birth order, class of constraint, gender; the subjects that filled out the questionnaire: the main caregivers of the autistic children.
2. The dependent variables: (1) the “stress responses” of the caregivers of autistic children: the first class “question focus related stress responses; the second class “emotion focus related stress responses”; class three “mixed stress responses”; (2) “leisure constraints”: 1. “personal constraints”; 2. “interpersonal constraints”; 3. “structural constraints”; 4. “autistic children’s constraints.”
In this research, the recovery rate was 95%: a total of 366 questionnaire copies were recovered, of which 348 copies were valid questionnaires and 18 copies were eliminated.
Research Results:
1. The differential analysis of the different background variables in the stress response scales: the females were more concerned about resolving the stress from the focus questions.
2. The differential analysis of the different background variables in the stress response scales: gender, socioeconomic status, total monthly family income, and relationship with the autistic children were the more important influential variables.
3. The correlation analysis of the stress responses and leisure constraints of the caregivers of autistic children’: the stress responses (at all levels and overall) and the leisure constraints, including “interpersonal constraints”, “individual constraints,” and “overall leisure constraints” were all significantly and negatively correlated (p > .05). |