The organizational culture of a non-profit organization has everything to do with the value and conception of that organization, whilst in the development of social welfare, religion has evolved into a structural social welfare organization from philanthropy at the very beginning. Shared values and concepts will influence the ways of handling routine affairs as well as the general principles of an organization. The current study employs qualitative research method and makes in-depth interviewing among the non-believing social workers of social welfare organizations with a religious background. The study has 3 purposes therein: 1. To understand the religion-based organizational culture of social welfare organizations; 2. To understand the cultural shock and personal feelings of social workers (who are non-believers) of the religion-based organizational culture; 3. To discover how social workers who are non-believers cope with and adapt to the shocks brought about by religion-based organizational culture. The research results have indicated that 1. A large number of similar features exist in religion-based organizational culture; especially worth noting is that a professional trend sweeps over the promotion of spiritual work; 2. Non-believers who work at religion-based organizations may include negative feelings, develop lower identification with the organization and feel their profession ignored; 3. In the respect regarding how a non-believing worker adjusts to the religion-based organizational culture, the coordination and communication of a leader and the active involvement of that worker in getting to know better about the meaning and purpose of the religion in the organization are two foremost ways in better adjustment. When a non-believing social worker finds the similar standpoint shared by the philosophy and missions of the religion and the profession of social work, and comes to realize the functions and advantages of a religion, he or she will identify more with the organization, and subsequently, find professional, cooperative ways between religion and social work.