摘要: | 本研究旨在瞭解高雄市國民中學一至三年級學生之「個人背景變項」、「家庭價值觀」、與「對老年人態度」現況,並分析不同「個人背景變項」的受試者在「家庭價值觀」及「對老年人態度」上的差異狀況,及探討受試者之「家庭價值觀」與「對老年人態度」之相關性。
本研究係採「問卷調查法」進行資料的收集,並以「分層叢集取樣」之抽樣方式,選取居住於高雄地區之國中學生為調查對象,正式抽樣樣本為 680 人,經回收後有效樣本數為 628 人,有效回收率為 92.35%。所使用的研究工具包括:個人背景資料 19 題、家庭價值觀量表 13 題、對老年人態度量表 19 題。其結果以敘述統計、單一樣本 t 檢定、獨立樣本 t 檢定、單因子變異數分析、Scheffé事後比較法、Pearson積差相關、以及多元迴歸等統計方法加以分析。
The purposes of the study are to investigate junior high school students’ family values and their attitudes toward older adults in Kaohsiung, and the influences of different personal characteristics on family values andattitudes toward the elderly. In addition, the researcher also examines the relationship between family values and attitudes toward older adults among these junior high school students.
In the study, the researcher used survey for data collection. Stratified sampling procedure was adopted, and the researcher selected 680 junior high school students living in Kaohsiung, among which 628 were returned (response rate = 92.35%). The research instrument, questionnaire, includes a 19-item personal charateristics scale, a 13-item family values scale, and a 19-item attitude toward the elderly scale. Collected data was analyzed by the following procedures: descriptive statistics, one sample t-test, independent samples t-test, one-way ANOVA, Scheffé, Pearson’s correlation, and multiple regression analysis.
The results of data analysis shows that:
1. The influences of different personal characteristics on family values.
1.1 Students who study at public complete high schoolsare more likely to have traditional attitudes on family values and family functions, than those who study at public junior high schools.
1.2 Students who study at junior high schools, are more likely to have traditional views on family functions if their parents are married and cohabited, than those whose parents are divorced.
1.3 On family values and family functions, students from stem families are more likely to have traditional views than those from nucluear and single-parent families, respectively.
1.4 Students who share close relationships with the elderly are more likely to have traditional family values.
2. The influences of different personal characterisitcs and attitudes toward older adults.
2.1 The younger the students are, the more positive attitudes they have on cognitive intention.
2.2 Students who study at public complete high schools are more likely to have positive attitudes (either on the cognitive or behavioral intention) toward older adults, than those who study at public junior high schools.
2.3 Students who share close relationships with the elderly are more likley to positive attitudes toward the elderly.
3. Overall, the researcher found that junior high school students’ family values and their attitudes toward older adults are highly correlated. Also, attitudes toward older adults could be hightly predictable based family values.
The researcher proposed suggestions and recommendations based on the research results:
1. Parents and leagal guardians are encouraged to increase family interactions and communication, to participate in support groups and seminars to strengthen family education, and to provide family activities to encourage family participation.
2. Schools are encouraged to design programs focused on family education to build junior high school students’ family values and to strengthen their relationships with parents.
3. The government is encouraged to advocacate positive family values via the media and to promote intergenerational activities and intergenerational learning.
4. Researchers are encouraged to conduct further studies focusing on junior high school students’ family values and their attitudes toward older adults to improve intergenerational understanding and relationships. |