摘要: | 完成國家儲訓隊球員的快速跑能力及定踢、碰踢遠能力測驗研究後;發現橄欖球員移動速度絕對跟不上踢出球移動速度,在講究研究成果應用於實際比賽中的前題下,乃引起作者引用資料,接續本研究,其目的旨在提出橄欖球賽中,球員如何根據速度來考慮踢遠能力之應用。本研究是以球員30M徒手加速度跑速度與定踢、碰踢的踢出球速度為資料,利用獨立樣本平均數理論分析速度差異,據以做為討論橄欖球運動員如何在比賽中執行踢遠的原則,經分析討論,以下為本研究所提出的結論:一、定踢出球的速度極明顯快於碰踢出球的速度(p<.01)。離散程度經F-考驗結果,並未達到p<.05以上顯著差異。二、不論定踢或碰踢,踢出球位移的平均速度極明顯快於球員加速跑平均速度。(p<.01)三、踢出斜線球(角旗方向)是練習時應把握的。四、踢出又高又遠的球是延長球滯空時間,彌補球員移動速度。五、碰踢應以控制點的練習為最高練習原則。六、碰踢應以控制踢出球速度、角度、距離、落點來配合球員移動速度,讓球就人而非人就球。七、練習定踢及碰踢時,應再增大踢出球角度,延長球滯空時間。八、為了發揮踢球攻擊的精神,儲訓隊球員考慮每次的踢球時,如何應用時間、空間因素來和本隊球員移動速度配合,才是應該要設定的訓練目標。
After completing the test research for the abilities of dash, punt and drop-kick of the national reserve team player, we found out that the speed of movement of rugby players was definitely much slower than that of the ball. Under the premise that the results of research should be applied practical games, the author, quoting the data, continue this research. And the purpose was to raise the application to ball-kick according to the players' speed in rugby games. This research was based on the data of the speed of players with bare hand in 30 M's dash, and the speed of the ball of punt and drop-kick, using the theory of the average of independent sample to analyze the differences of speed. And by using research data above, we made a principle how rugby athletes perform kicking the ball far in games. Through analyzing and discussing, the following was the conclusions we drew in this research: First, the speed of punt was obviously (P<0.1) faster then that of drop-kick, which rejected the hypothesis of this research. The degree of dispersion, through F-test didn't reach P<0.5 or above. Second, no matter punt or drop-kick, the average speed of the ball was obviously (P<0.1) faster then that of players' dash. Third, practicing kicking slanting ball (the corner) was essential. Fourth, kicking far and high ball could prolong the ball staying in the air, which could make up the low speed of players' movement. Fifth, the highest practice principle of drop-kick should focus on controlling the falling point of the ball. Sixth, drop-kick should control the speed of the ball, the angle, the distance and the falling point to coordinated players' movement. In other words, it should be the ball that went with the players, not the player went with the ball. Seventh, when practicing punt and drop-kick, the players should amplify the angle of the ball kicked and prolong the time when the ball stayed in the air. Eighth, in order to develop the offensive spirit of kicking, the players of the reserve team should consider how to use time and space to coordinate the speed of movement of their teammates, which should be the target of training. |