本研究目的在瞭解南開技術學院學生體育課興趣選項教學滿意度因素及各項因素滿意情形,並探討性別、學制及實施方式等不同背景變項受試者各項因素滿意度差異情形。以92學年度第二學期日間部實施體育課興趣選項教學班級學生809人為對象,以體育課滿意度量表為工具,使用SPSS 10.0 for Windows套裝統計軟體進行描述性統計、因素分析(factor analysis)、信度分析、獨立樣本t考驗、單因子變異數分析與薛費(Scheffe)法進行事後比較。獲得結果如下:一體育課興趣選項教學滿意度因素有教師專業能力、場地與器材、互動與樂趣、教學效果、體育教學行政、身體能力發展等六個因素。二、體育課興趣選項教學滿意度各項因素以教師專業能力因素最高,場地與器材因素最低。三、男生在滿意度各項因素顯著高於女生;專科部受試者在場地與器材因素顯著高於學院部。
The purposes of the study were to find the factors of teaching satisfaction of college students in selecting physical education courses, and to investigate the differences among students who selected different kinds of P.E courses and students who had different variables in this study. The subjects were 809 students who had registered for selective P.E courses in 2003. A teaching satisfaction scale was used as the instrument of the study. T-test, factor analysis, and ANOVA were applied to analyzing the data through SPSS 10.0 for Windows. The results were described as the followings: 1. Teaching satisfaction consists of 6 factors which included professional abilities, facilities and equipments, inter- communication and having fun, benefits due to learning, administration of RE teaching and the development of body capacity. 2. Professional ability ranked the fist in teaching satisfaction, however facilities and equipments ranked the last. 3. Significant differences existed in all factors between male and female students. (The male were more satisfied in the category of teaching satisfaction) 4. There were significant differences between junior college students and college students in the factor of facilities and equipments.