本研究目的是探討不同性別之運動行為、態度與知識對健康體適能之影響,以277名大學生為受試者,實施健康體適能檢測及學生運動參與調查表,相關資料分別進行t考驗(t-test)及多元逐步迴歸(stepwise multiple regression)分析。結果顯示:女生在運動知識上有顯著較好的成績;運動行為、運動態度、運動知識能有效預測男生健康體適能之柔軟度、爆發力、肌力肌耐力與心肺耐力;運動行為能有效預測女生健康體適能之身體質量指數(B.M.I.)與爆發力。
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of exercise behavior, exercise attitude and exercise knowledge in different genders on health-related physical fitness. 277 college students were served as subjects. Each subject must complete the test of health-related physical fitness and fills out the questionnaire of exercise participation. T-test and stepwise multiple regression were applied to analyze the collected data. The result is as follows: (1) Female students had higher scores on exercise knowledge. (2) Exercise behavior, exercise attitude and exercise knowledge can forecast male students' flexibility, explosive force, strength and muscular endurance, cardio-respiratory endurance on health-related physical fitness effectively. (3) Exercise behavior can forecast female students' body mass index (B.M.I.) and explosive force on health-related physical fitness effectively.