摘要: | 從公共衛生與運動的觀點,明確運動處方可加強一般民眾對運動的參與,例如美國疾病預防管制中心(CDC)以及美國運動醫學會(ACSM)建議「每天至少從事中等強度的身體活動30分鐘(moderate intensity daily physical activity,如走路)」。在日常生活的運動中,「走路」(walking)是最基本、最簡易,且最不受外在因素限制與干擾的運動。計步器(pedometers)是一種具有便捷性且價格不昂貴的運動監視器,而計步器的使用已被許多研究人員與參與者接受,並希冀藉此提升每日身體活動量,達到健康的效果。我國衛生署國民健康局自民國91年開始推廣「每日一萬步,健康有保固」的理念。此外「每日一萬步」的口號也廣泛地在世界上通用,考量的因素不外乎是實際且明確的運動建議量並搭配朗朗上口的口號,此建議量也符合一般成年人日常身體活動量的水準(約9000~11,000步/每日)。然而考量到不同族群的差異時,每日一萬步無法讓各族群皆適用。例如青少年以每日一萬步為運動建議量時會太低(女孩約需11,000步,男孩約13,000步);老年人或慢性疾病患者以每日一萬步為運動建議量時,負荷過大且不切實際;此外每日一萬步對某些行業而言,是過於艱苦的目標,例如製造業工人。但相較於「每日30分鐘中等強度的運動」,採用「每日一萬步」的身體活動建議量不僅有效,且具有長久持續的優點。
In the views of public health and exercise, accurate exercise prescription can encourage people to exercise. For example, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) recommend that "at least 30 minutes moderate intensity daily physical activity, such as brisk walking". The activity, walking, is the basic and simple exercise, and is the less limited exercise by environment factors in daily physical activity. Pedometer is one kind of convenient and inexpensive motion sensors of tracking daily physical activity (especially walking) that expresses as a summary output of steps/day. Many researchers and participants used pedometers to record steps/day, and hoped that, by the reason, it could increase daily physical activity. In 2002, Bureau of Health Promotion, Department of Health, R.O.C. (Taiwan) proposed the ideal "10,000 steps/day can promote health". A value of 10,000 steps/day is in fair agreement with health adult physical activity level (about 9,000~11,000 steps/day) and the concept is gaining popularity of the world. Considerations to the difference between different groups, preliminary evidence suggests that a goal of 10,000 steps/day is probably too low for children (girls about 11,000 steps/day, boys about 13,000 steps/day), and it may not be sustainable for some groups, including older adults and those living with chronic diseases. The value of 10,000 steps/day is somewhat a hard goal for some populations, such as manufacturing workers. However, compared with 30 minutes moderate intensity daily physical activity, 10,000 steps/day has efficacious effect and it also has the advantage of sustainable effect. |