目的:本研究的目的在探討優秀排球選手在六周的排球訓練前後,對選手個人施以固定運動強度的跳躍攔網測試,分析其對心跳率之影響。方法:以七名優秀男子排球選手(22.14±0.69歲、186.14±10.98公分、78.57±6.60公斤)為研究對象,受試者在進行完三十次攔網共240秒,全程皆以Polar心跳監控器以五秒為單位進行資料記錄。結果:以SPSS 18.0做統計分析,結果發現,在六周的訓練過程後,可以改善排球員的心肺適能;且經過六周訓練後,心率曲線比前測快30秒進入穩定狀態。結論:經過六周的訓練後能夠明顯的增強其心肺適能,於訓練前的測驗中經180秒後能達到平穩,而在訓練後的測驗中經150秒即可達到平穩,且其運動中的心跳率反應之趨勢較訓練前低。
The goal of the study was to investigate the effect of heart rate of the elite volleyball players after six-week training. Each subject was performed the test of jump blocking with constant exercise intensity. Seven elite male volleyball players (22.14±0.69 yr, 186.14±10.98 cm, and 78.57±6.60 kg) were recruited in this study. Each of subjects was asked to accomplish 30 blocking during 240-second period. Polar monitor was used to record heart rate of subject. Statistical difference was analyzed by using SPSS 18.0. The results showed that the fitness of cardiopulmonary function of players can be improved after six-week training. And the tendency of HR curve becomes stable about 30 seconds fast. We conclude that significant improvement of cardiopulmonary fitness after six-week training. The time events that reach stable before and after training are 180 seconds and 150 seconds respectively. And the lower heart rate of exercise appeared after six-week training.